Fears of a Breastfeeding Mom

The wonders of female human anatomy are to bear a child and to provide food naturally in their bodies.

Let me just share a bit of my breastfeeding journey up to this day.

DISCLAIMER: I am not against formula feeding. Breastfeeding and formula feeding have their benefits. It's the mother's decision on what they prefer or what could work for their lifestyle.

As for me, when I got pregnant I was battling between breastfeeding and formula feeding. I was inspired by my sister who's been breastfeeding for 3 years now. Me? I've been breastfeeding for 19 months.

How did I decide to breastfeed?

I decided to resign from my job when I got pregnant, and I haven't been employed since.

I weighed the pros and cons financially, bf-ing wins, of course.

Sacrificing my time and body to provide food for Lil B.

Being not employed, breastfeeding and taking care of Lil B myself is the best that I can do.

When to wean?

That should be decided by the mother too. It's always advised to breastfeed the baby up to 2 years old, but again it's a case-to-case basis.

Me? I have thought of weaning Lil b but as much as I want to, I don't know if my body and my motherly mind can let go of that thought easily. It's more like I want to get a job, and have my time, but the mother in me says 'just a few years more or up until you can'. The question I ask myself is WHEN?

Running out of milk

This is every mother's worry. Whether for a bf mom or a formula-feeding mom. It's very hard to think that we won't be able to provide the first thing that babies need.

I had a couple of problems when Lil B was less than a year old. Even if I drink more water, sleep more, get enough rest, and drink supplements, STRESS is the biggest factor or reason why my milk almost ran out.

Last night

I got worried. While I was putting Lil B to sleep, she somehow transferred every few minutes from left to right boob. I got worried that she might not be getting milk. I asked her if she wants milk, and she nodded. After a few more minutes of sipping she got up and played with her toys instead while looking sleepy. I got up too and put milk in her glass and let her drink. She drank it and after finishing, she played a little more and suddenly asked for more milk. That was the time that I know that she wasn't getting milk from me.

I got worried. This morning I told my husband if we can buy M2 concentrated drink from Andok's.


Right after we had lunch at Andok's, I drank M2 and then the magic happened. I can feel that I got my milk back. I have tried other lactation treats before and the magic worked.


Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I was just feeling a little bit tired physically because we went to my husband's Christmas party the other day. It could also be that I am unconsciously anxious about a few things. Maybe I lack sleep. I don't know. All I know is I am scared that I may run out of milk too early than I expected.

I plan to breastfeed her up to 2 years old and slowly wean her, but not this soon. Please. Please. Please. I know my body gets tired from breastfeeding but it's very very worth it.


pictures posted are mine unless stated

in all original content. Micontingsabit

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