Tag Causes a Trip to the ER

First Trip To Hospital

Children..... argh! how they can get into all kinds of trouble! I remember being a young kid and being fearless and just charging into any situation and playing games full force.

Now as a parent I watch as my kids play at full throttle running around the house and trying to safe guard most sharp edges to prevent serious injuries but no matter what I do it is as if the kids are attracted to the next danger. They even manage to locate a relative harmless thing and make it a dangerous setting.

Always having to be on guard is tiring and I often think I am becoming a helicopter parents but once you go from one to two children things get a lot more chaotic as the amount of energy that is flying around the house while trying to organise day to day things is hard to manage.

A simple game of tag sends us to the ER

This week was one of those days where a simple game of tag sent us to the ER for little bloke who was too small to get stitches so needed to have glue applied to close a wound.

I have to admit while the initial shock of what occurred set in while we tried to stop the bleeding and settle the kids I sat and pondered how in the heck. So most the sharp edges in my home are guarded to prevent injury.

Although kids being kids they will manage to hurt themselves on the least expected thing and this situation is beyond mind boggling and one I did not see coming.

As little bloke ran from his big sister while playing tag he managed to run into a wall, and while you might be thinking, how did a wall do that? with pin point precision little bloke ran head first into the wall edge... yes the 90 degree angle of a wall. Out of all the things and places to smack into, the smallest part of the wall. the edge.

And it doesn't appear to have been a large hit but more a concentrated hit in one location which wore the full brunt of the collision which caused a rather deep wound. This was totally unforeseeable nor did I think plaster could do this.

Hospital's here to help

So there we are with one bleeding child and another frantic because they are watching their sibling bleeding, head bleeds are often some of the worse as a lot of blood does come out so they tend to look worse than what they are.

But once we managed to apply pressure, stop the bleeding and wash the wound we knew that this wasn't just a simple "put a band aid on and she'll be right" moment. We needed to head to the hospital for some much needed pain relief and closing of the wound.

So off we went to the hospital with a crying child and once there it was even more interesting to see my kids once again commence playing tag with other kids in the waiting area as if nothing had happened.

Trying to keep lil bloke still and settle while we waited to see the doctor so he wouldn't start bleeding again was near impossible, medical staff reassured us that the behaviour is quite normal and a good sign.

All's well

So here we are a few days into the head injury and I think the entire process was more traumatic for me than lil bloke, he seems to like showing it off to everyone and blame his sister for the cut because "she was chasing me".

Other than a small scar little bloke will make a full recovery and has been in high spirits.

For me on the other hand I am still stuck wondering how in the heck he managed to run head first into a 90 degree angle out of all things to run head first into....

kids........................ ugh

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