The Day I Almost Lost Him 💔

What's your most unforgettable experience?

One of the reasons why I created this account is to publish my experiences whether good or bad. It will set as a reminder on how I should handle things. A remembrance as well that something good or bad happened to me in the past. I also want to share my experience to others to give lesson and raise awareness to the things that may happen in life, esp. to mothers and parents.

Whenever people asked me what's my most unforgettable moment, I usually think of my happy memories, things that I will never forget. But now, if you will ask me about my most unforgettable moment, this memory will be the first to pop up.

I experience this 6 months ago, three days right after I gave birth. During the entire pregnancy, I did everything my OB-GYN told me. What to eat, what not to eat, exercises, diet, vitamins, etc. I did everything for the betterment of my pregnancy journey and my baby. I followed everything that I must do to make sure my baby will be healthy. I was so conscious with everything. My baby did not make it hard for me. I have no specific cravings (di ako naglihi talaga), I did not vomit often, I still can do my usual routine, like it was really an easy pregnancy.

January 15, 2023, I gave life to a beautiful baby boy. I called him Aki. I had a hard time during the delivery because the umbilical cord was twisted to my baby (cord coil). Luckily, I was able to deliver him successfully, but the sad part was he already had meconium aspiration. We were advised that he needs to take antibiotics for seven days which we followed.


Everything was going fine, but on his third day around 12 midnight he started crying like something was hurting. I tried to check everything, his nappies, if he's hungry, whether there is something who bit him, but I found none. He continued to cry for two hours then suddenly he stopped. I was relieved with that but upon checking him his color turned bluish pale, and he is very cold. We rushed him to the ER of the nearest hospital which is just three minutes away from our house. Upon arrival, the doctor just told us that he just needs to burp and told us to go home. We went home and tried to feed my baby but he doesn't want to drink his milk anymore. Whenever he cries he will turn bluish pale and he is really cold. I can't calm myself anymore during that time that's why we decided to bring him to another hospital.

We went to the second hospital and they told us that we need to transfer to a bigger one because their initial findings is that my baby has sepsis and they don't have a doctor who has specialization in handling the case.

So, we transferred to a bigger hospital. We waited for around an hour or two before the pedia checked my baby and has the same findings. They told us again that we need to transfer hospital. They prepared all the papers needed. There was no ambulance available so we decided to commute. What broke my heart during that time was, a staff of that hospital told me "Bilisan nyo na ilipat yan, baka dito pa yan abutan." (You need to hurry up in transferring the baby, or else he might not get there in time) That made me cried so hard.


We rushed him to next hospital decided to do anything to save my him. Upon arrival they just told us to stay in one of the rooms there. There was no one assisting us. Finally, they started giving us instructions. To go to the admission office. When I got there, all they talked about was if we have the money to pay for our bills if ever. They discussed how much the rooms are, doctors fee, other materials that we need to pay, swab test for the three of us (I, my son, and my husband), and many more other things that we need to pay. In short, they just simply asking if we have the money to pay them. It's been two to three hours and still nobody checked on my son.

I was really frustrated during that time. I decided to tell my mom to get an ambulance to transfer to another hospital, I might take the risk but I want someone to check my son. When the ambulance came with my mom, that was the only time they assisted us and asked us what want. I became hysterical that time and I told them that we will transfer because no one is checking on my son. They told us that the reason why they're not in a hurry checking him is that because his vitals are normal. We stayed in this hospital knowing that if we transfer, there is a big chance I will lose my son. When they checked on him, that was the only time they hurriedly gave him oxygen and dextrose. He has no feelings anymore, even the nurses are injecting something on him, he felt nothing. He's totally numb. His sugar level went really really low.

After another two hours of staying in this hospital, my son had a seizure while vomiting black discharges. It was the worst night of my life. The doctor who's monitoring him told us "Mommy, Daddy, I will be honest with you. Lakasan nyo po yung loob nyo, masama na kasi ang lagay ni baby." (You need to be strong, your baby is in a really bad condition right now)I was so shocked hearing those words. I thought it only happens in movies, but yes, I was crying my heart out BEGGING the doctor to save my little angel.


After two days in a critical condition, little by little he's getting better. After 11 days of staying in that hospital, finally the doctor gave us a discharge order.


January 29, 2023 we're finally back home. I thought everything will be fine now. But I was wrong, after a week he had jerks that we thought are just normal reflexes. Another week had past he had another episode of seizure. He suffered from sepsis with meningitis and the infection went up to his brain that's why he has episodes of seizure. We need to find another doctor who will handle this case. We were able to find a very caring doctor, who's his doctor until now. She told us that if a person started taking anticonvulsant medicine, it must not be stopped anytime soon. There must be a test to check if the brain activity is back to normal.


It is a melancholic experience for us. Until now my son still has episode of seizures and jerks. But I am thankful he is alive and he is with us. We will do our best to cure his sickness. We will fight until he's back to normal. His medication will be for two years, after that I hope he will get better. I love him to the moon and back and will do everything for him.


I hope you learned something from this blog. 'Til the next one ❤️

All photos are mine unless stated otherwise.

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