mañas y costumbres en la crianza de nuestros hijos / habits and customs in the upbringing of our children

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Un saludo y un abrazo para todos comunidad un placer poder compartir mis experiencias desde que soy padre con ustedes, la verdad muchas son muy comunes otras quizás solo me han pasado a mi pero espero que le puedan servir de algo algunas de las mañas o hábitos que mi hija a tenido como lo hemos tratado y algunas que seguimos tratando poco a poco, la verdad no ha sido nada fácil todo esto ya que un niño recién esta aprendiendo todo en su vida que apenas esta empezando y nosotros como padres somos los que debemos guiarlos a que estas costumbres, mañas o hábitos sean buenos y productivos y no dañinos para ellos en un futuro.

A greeting and a hug to all community a pleasure to share my experiences since I am a parent with you, the truth is that many are very common others may have only happened to me but I hope you can use some of the habits or habits that my daughter has had as we have tried and some that we are still trying little by little, The truth is that all this has not been easy since a child is just learning everything in his life and we as parents are the ones who must guide them so that these habits and habits are good and productive and not harmful to them in the future.

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Empezare con este por que es uno que se me ha hecho muy difícil de disminuirlo o quitarlo a Keisy y este es que como pueden ver en la foto para que pueda comer con tranquilidad hay que ponerle videos en la tablet o teléfono, ella siempre a sido muy inquieta para comer empieza a correr por la casa o si no pone muchas excusas como que esta caliente o cosas asi pero cuando le ponen los videos o comiquitas se queda tranquila y empieza a comer hasta ella sola, a mi por lo menos cuando estaba mas pequeña lo veía como un método factible para que no sea tan tedioso darle la comida a ella o una forma de hacer que coma, pero ahora ando tratando de quitarselo por que no veo correcto que mientras que estemos en la mesa comiendo ella solo este pendiente de las comiquitas y videos o que dependa de eso para comer tranquila, por esto e optado por empezar a darle de comer y cuando se pone muy inquieta hablo con ella le explico que no siempre puede estar pegada a la tablet para comer y asi o le digo que no hay internet y que el internet carga cuando ella coma de manera de dárselo mas como un premio que como una costumbre.

I will start with this one because it is one that has been very difficult for me to diminish or remove it from Keisy and this is that as you can see in the picture so that she can eat calmly you have to put videos on the tablet or phone, She has always been very restless to eat, she starts to run around the house or she makes many excuses like she is hot or things like that but when you put the videos or cartoons she stays calm and starts to eat even by herself, at least when she was younger I saw it as a feasible method so that it is not so tedious to give her the food or a way to make her eat, But now I'm trying to remove it because I do not see it right that while we are at the table eating she is only watching the comics and videos or that depends on that to eat quietly, for this I have chosen to start feeding her and when she gets very restless I talk to her I explain that she can not always be glued to the tablet to eat and so or I tell her that there is no internet and that the internet loads when she eats so as to give it more as a reward than as a habit.

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Esto creo que es algo que hacen todos los niños inclusive adultos por que hasta yo mismo hasta no hace mucho lo hacía y es comerse las uñas, esto a pesar de que no lo consideraba tan grave como tal le empecé a poner más interés para quitarle eso ya que ya 2 veces me ha llamado papa papa mira y me muestra que se rompió en el pie o en la mano por morderse mucho y bota sangre razón por la cual la mamá también empezó a dedicarle mas a eso y ahora lo que hemos hecho es que una vez a la semana o maximo 2 la mama le pone brillo de uñas para hacerle creer que se le pintaron las uñas y le decimos que si se las come no se la pintaran mas y obviamente a ella le gusta eso ya que ve a la mama y a la abuela cuando se las pintan y bueno, la verdad esto nos a ayudado un poco pero aun hay que estar muy pendiente por que hay momentos como que se le olvida y cuando la vemos ya tienes los dedos en la boca y uno le dice Keisyy y se las quita rapido y dice que no hacía nada.

I think this is something that all children do, even adults, because until not long ago I used to do it myself and that is to bite his nails, Although I didn't consider it as serious as such, I started to put more interest in him to take it away since he has already called me twice daddy daddy look and shows me that he broke his foot or his hand by biting himself a lot and he leaks blood, that's why mom also started to dedicate more time to it. and now what we have done is that once a week or at most 2 times a week mom puts nail polish on her nails to make her believe that her nails were painted and we tell her that if she eats them they will not be painted anymore and obviously she likes that since she sees mom and grandma when they paint her nails and well, The truth is that this has helped us a little but we still have to be very careful because there are times when she forgets and when we see her, she already has her fingers in her mouth and we tell her Keisyy and she takes them off quickly and says that she did not do anything.

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la verdad entre esto e ir al baño a sido lo mas difícil de enseñarle a keisy jajajaja, Keisy tiene un mal dormir horrible hay días que me despierto con mas patadas que un balon de futbol se los juro, entonces trato de que duerma en su cama pero se ha hecho demasiado difícil se pone lidiosa o empieza a llorar si duerme sola o si duerme con uno de los dos, lo mas con lo que se queda tranquila es con la mama y no es todo el tiempo entonces estamos tratando primero que comprenda cuando llega el momento de dormir y segundo a que no luche tanto con el sueño con estaba en cuna era algo casi imposible y había que dormirla con nosotros y después pasarla a su cuna si se despertaba a media noche no se quedaba tranquila hasta que no la acostamos en medio de los dos, actualmente lo que hacemos es que colocamos su colchoneta al lado de nuestra cama y la mamá le pone el brazo como para que sienta que estamos con ella abrazándola y ha funcionado un poco ya al menos cuando le dicen que es hora de dormir ella dice que quiere jugar un rato más y ya y jugamos con ella como 10 minutos mas y despues nos vamos a dormir y se ha vuelto más fácil por ese lado aun hay dias de dias que no hay manera y toca acostarla con nosotros.

The truth between this and going to the bathroom has been the hardest thing to teach Keisy hahahaha, Keisy has a horrible bad sleep there are days that I wake up with more kicks than a soccer ball I swear, then I try to make her sleep in her own bed but it has become too difficult she gets angry or starts to cry if she sleeps alone or if she sleeps with one of us, The most she stays quiet is with her mother and it is not all the time, so we are trying first of all to make her understand when it is time to sleep and secondly to make her not struggle so much with sleep, when she was in the crib it was almost impossible and we had to put her to sleep with us and then move her to her crib, if she woke up in the middle of the night she would not stay quiet until we put her to bed in the middle of the two of us, Currently what we do is that we place her mat next to our bed and mom puts her arm around her so that she feels that we are with her hugging her and it has worked a little bit and at least when they tell her it is time to sleep she says she wants to play a little longer and we play with her for 10 minutes more and then we go to sleep and it has become easier on that side even there are days that there is no way and we have to put her to bed with us.

Bueno amigos a sido un honor para mi realizar este post que espero que les pueda servir de ayuda algunas de mis experiencias ya contadas y espero les guste este post y sea de su grado a la distancia le mando un saludo y un fuerte abrazo, bendiciones.

Well friends it has been an honor for me to make this post that I hope can help you some of my experiences already told and I hope you like this post and be of your degree in the distance I send you a greeting and a big hug, blessings.

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Tambien aprovecho para mencionar que todas las imágenes fueron tomadas de mi telefono es decir son de mi autoria

I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that all the images were taken from my phone, that is to say, they are my own.

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