Complaciendo a la princesa de la casa / Pleasing the princess of the house

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Un honor para mi poder compartir esta historia muy feliz y mas para keisy ya que fue un dia que se que ella disfruto mucho y que espero para volver a pasar un dia como este, sin mas que decir les empiezo a contar sobre este dia.

It is an honor for me to be able to share this very happy story and more for keisy since it was a day that I know she enjoyed very much and that I hope to spend a day like this again, without more to say I begin to tell you about this day.

Como pueden observar el día empezó un poco enredado con esos cabellos jajaja, pero siempre con el buen hábito de cepillarse en las mañanas, cuando Keisy se despertó pidió la bendición y me dijo que la ayudara a cepillarse los dientes, yo siempre vengo le lavo el cepillo y le hecho su crema de los minions que tanto le gusta después ella hace todo y con la lengua si me pide ayuda, apenas terminó de cepillarse me dijo ahora si vamos a comer, cabe destacar que keisy no tenía idea de lo que le esperaba en el dia, asi que le dije que le daría una arepita porque íbamos a salir a almorzar, y de una pegó un salto y le dijo a su mama que la vistiera de una vez porque ella no se quería quedar.

As you can see the day started a little bit tangled with those hairs hahaha, but always with the good habit of brushing in the morning, when Keisy woke up she asked for a blessing and told me to help her brush her teeth, I always come and wash her toothbrush and put her minions cream that she likes so much, then she does everything and with her tongue if she asks me for help, As soon as she finished brushing she told me that now we are going to eat, it is worth mentioning that Keisy had no idea of what was waiting for her that day, so I told her that I would give her an arepita because we were going out to have lunch, and she jumped up and told her mom to dress her at once because she did not want to stay for lunch, she told her mom that she was going to eat and that she was going to eat.

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Después de comer lo mejor fue echarle un poco de agua a esos cabellos y le dijimos a la abuela para que la peinara, ya ella estaba insistente en que ya se quería ir y era apenas las 10 am yo tenia que hacer unas cosas del trabajo antes y de los buscaría para irnos así que me fui para estar tipo 11 en la casa y de ahi irnos a comer esta vez no iríamos solo la mamá de Keisy, Keisy y yo si no que tambien irian dos primos mi mama y mi papa con nosotros ya que teníamos años que no salíamos en familia eso puso aun mas contenta a Keisy ya que le encanta pasar rato con los abuelos.

After eating the best thing to do was to pour some water on her hair and we told grandma to comb her hair, she was already insisting that she wanted to leave and it was only 10 am I had to do some work stuff before and I would look for them to leave so I left to be around 11 am at the house and from there we would go to eat this time not only Keisy's mom would go with us, Keisy and I would be going with two cousins my mom and dad as we hadn't gone out as a family for years and that made Keisy even happier as she loves to spend time with her grandparents.

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Les seré sincero el de la idea de salir provino de mi papá ya que recién habíamos cobrado un dinero y como teníamos tanto tiempo y la verdad que fue una gran idea fuimos a un lugar que recién había abierto tenía menos de una semana que lo inauguraron la atención al cliente estuvo excelente y la comida muy buena venden hamburguesas, pollos fritos y este tipo de comida nosotros pedimos el combo familiar que es para hasta 6 personas traía pollo con papas fritas ensalada que a pesar de que yo no como ensalada la comí esa vez y estaba muy buena, y este combo incluye su refresco y una ración de tostones todo esto por 20$ lo vi un precio accesible y bueno por tanto tiempo sin salir con la familia valió la pena, y aún más si veía a Keisy feliz.

I will be honest with you the idea of going out came from my dad since we had just received some money and since we had so much time and the truth was that it was a great idea we went to a place that had just opened less than a week ago, the customer service was excellent and the food was very good, they sell hamburgers, fried chicken and this kind of food we ordered the family combo which is for up to 6 people had chicken with fries salad that even though I do not eat salad I ate it that time and it was very good, and this combo includes a soft drink and a portion of tostones all this for 20$ I saw it an affordable price and well for so long without going out with the family it was worth it, and even more if I saw Keisy happy.

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Hasta aqui el dia habia sido muy feliz y bueno keisy me dijo que le gusto mucho la comida y comió bastante hasta se le veía barriguita jajaja, de ahi a penas entro en el carro se quedo dormida lo que ella no sabía es que a penas era el inicio del día y se vendría la mejor parte para ella, mientras que ella dormía y yo manejaba le dije a mi papa para pasar por el parque un rato y a el le gusto la idea ya que sabe lo mucho que le gusto a Keisy el parque la primera vez, así que cuando llegamos y me estacione la despierto y le digo Keisy ya llegamos a la casa y cuando se despierta y ve el parque me dice esta no es la casa papa es mejor, de una se le quito todo el sueño que tenia y en un santiamén estaba montada en una de las maquinas asi que le dije a la mama que la tuviera ahí un momento mientras que yo estaba comprando los tickets mi mama papa y primos se fueron a la parte donde vendían refrescos y eso y se quedaron ahí mientras que yo compraba de ahi le di los tickets a la mama y me puse con Keisy a ayudarla a montarse en algunas atracciones y luego cambiaba con la mama luego mi mamá se nos unió y también quería subirse con ella en unas maquinas y bueno esta vez estuvimos un poco más de tiempo que la otra vez que fuimos sin embargo cuando llegó la hora Keisy aún se quería quedar pero bueno toco regresarnos a la casa y llegamos tipo 7 pm a la casa ya habíamos cenado allí pedimos una pizza familiar.

So far the day had been very happy and well Keisy told me that she liked the food a lot and she ate a lot, she even had a belly, hahaha, from there as soon as she got in the car she fell asleep what she didn't know was that it was just the beginning of the day and the best part for her was coming, While she was sleeping and I was driving I told my dad to go to the park for a while and he liked the idea since he knows how much Keisy liked the park the first time, so when we arrived and I parked I woke her up and told her Keisy we are coming home and when she woke up and saw the park she told me this is not the house dad, it's better, She was so sleepy and in a jiffy she was riding one of the rides so I told her mom to keep her there for a moment while I was buying the tickets my mom dad and cousins went to the part where they sold sodas and stuff and they stayed there while I was buying from there I gave the tickets to her mom and I went with Keisy to help her get on some of the rides and then I switched rides with her and then I switched rides with her. She also wanted to ride with her on some of the rides and this time we stayed a little longer than the other time we went but when it was time Keisy still wanted to stay but we had to go back home and we arrived home around 7 pm and we had already had dinner and ordered a family pizza.

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Siendoles sinceros ningún momento del día fue tan bueno como cuando me fui a dormir con Keisy y me dijo que se divirtió mucho y la paso muy bien, eso hizo que valiera toda la pena del mundo, salir con mi familia comer y todo eso solo fue un plus comparado a ver a mi princesa feliz.

To be honest no time of the day was as good as when I went to sleep with Keisy and she told me she had a great time and had a great time, that made it all worth it, going out with my family eating and all that was just a plus compared to seeing my princess happy.

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