nugBlog #9: Sep 9, 2024

NugBlog 10 Sep9-24.png

And just like that, the summer is almost done. Summer always seems to go by quickly.

But what a summer it has been for you. As predicted, many more things have changed. Instead of being on all-fours, you’re now standing up almost completely by yourself! With barely one hand holding on, you’re up on two feet all the time.

You have also figured out how to get around. Crawling is easy and you’re eager to walk. We did start the baby proofing, and there’s still some more to do. You are all over the home, chasing after us, exploring, climbing… it is a lot of fun but we have to keep a close eye on you so you don’t get hurt.

You took your first plane ride in August, visiting the family on the East Coast. Everyone was very happy to see you and meet you, and we took lots of pictures. You got dipped in the ocean and didn’t seem to mind. You also felt sand for the first time. Mommy and Daddy got to go out on a few date nights too while the grandparents looked after you.

All your health checks for 9 months were good too. You’re happy, fed, and growing fast.

It’s exciting to see you communicate more, and copy some of our actions. You can clap and toss up your hands when we say “toss ‘em up!” You sometimes try to say the words we ask you to repeat. We’ve started putting you in the bigger stroller seat, and let you face forward when we go for walks—so many advancements it’s hard to keep up, not-so-little one.

Next time I write, I bet you will have taken your first step. Next time I write, it will be very close to your first birthday too. What a year :)


This series of blogs is to catalog the memories, milestones, and reflections of parenthood. Perhaps one day you (the Nug) will be curious to read them! In the meantime, they’re a nice way for Dad to process this whole parenting thing. He’s a writer, so putting words out into the world is relaxing, therapeutic, and fun.

See all the nugBlogs here.

Images created with a Canva Pro License. Photography is my own.

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