Reflecting on Regret: A Journey to Amend a Childhood Mistake

During the Mother’s Day wish to my mum, I had a sober reflection on what I did to her when I was a kid. Someday I know I will be bold enough to confess my actions in the past or I will wave it off with the assumption that I was acting based on the knowledge of a kid. Though my childhood days are filled with good and bad memories; all of them made me who I am today. However, if I had an opportunity to go back to my past, one thing I would love to correct was the day I lied to my mother. Even though I have done this several times, there is a particular lie I said that haunts me because of the weight of its result.


It was on a fateful weekend where duties were shared amongst my siblings and I had only one task to do which was to follow my mum to the market. This is one of the best chores I love because I do not have much to do but follow my mum wherever she goes; one advantage I have is that she buys something for me along the way while in the market. This day in question wasn’t like other days, because of how we were surviving with the little salary my mum earned monthly, she wasn’t able to buy a snack for me. But little did I know, the money wasn’t enough for foodstuff, I got upset till we got home.
When we got home, I uttered a simple lie without much thought or consideration for its repercussions.

My mum noticed that her cell phone wasn't seen, she asked me if I could recall where she kept it. I confidently lied that she left in the shop of the lady she bought meat from. Hastily my mom went back to the market to check for it. She discovered it wasn't in the shop, she had to stay for over an hour searching for what I hid in my pocket. This action was because she refused to buy a snack for me; I did this without having in mind that I was with my mom for over 3 hours before we got home. When my mum got home, I told her it was in her bag - meaning she didn't check well. Such a lie! Facially, she was drained and famished but a bit relieved that she could see her phone. After she had freshened up, she couldn't cook again but slept. This was when I realized the gravity of my actions.

My conscience gnawed at me when I noticed how tired my mum was because of the lie I committed. Despite pleading for mercy from God, I feel there's still a need to plead for her forgiveness. It was this action that made me understand how kids can cause their parents to die untimely due to unnecessary stress. I'm glad she is hale and hearty and I promise myself such will never happen again.

Dear Readers:

If given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time, I wouldn't have thought of doing such; rather, I would have listened to my mother who said she'd get me a snack some other time. Sometimes actions like this remind us that we are humans but we need to tread carefully before we end up regretting in the future.

Yesterday's wish for my mum was an expression to renew my love and honesty for her.

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