Happy Mother's Day! Amazing Moms #Mymotherhoodjourney

Happy Mother's Day to all our beautiful mothers all over the world, today is indeed a special day to celebrate the world's heroes who wear no cape, but are more than we can ever imagine, I particularly celebrate my mum, fellow mothers on Hive and my humble self. Motherhood is one amazing road trip that has made me feel most, if not all emotions, right from that moment I discovered I have been among those blessed to take on the responsibility of motherhood, this is after trying to conceive for a while, and giving up, and just let God will be done, when I stopped trying was when my daughter made her presence known, it was the most exciting and yet nerve-wracking day of my life, I was ready for this, in fact, I sought to be a mum and when it became a reality I began to doubt myself, would I be a good mum? Especially in the aspect of being responsible for another being, thankfully, I had the easiest of pregnancy, those frightful tales I read and heard before becoming pregnant didn't surface during my first pregnancy, I was filled with energy, the only giveaway to know I was indeed pregnant was my protruding baby bump which show faced late into my second trimester.


You know all of those worries I had about being a good mum and all, vanished as soon as I set eyes on my little Elena, without even thinking about It (I think a lot about most of my life's plans) she became my very life, I want to become a better person because of her, nothing else in the world cares as much as the love I want to shower on her, those worries about not being able to care for another being frizzled away, because more than I ever thought, I was pumped to fulfill this motherhood duty to the end, it's magical where mothers get their strength from, no wonder some people say it's nature doing its magic, it truly is magical, juggling motherhood duties alongside other life's duties that demands your attention and still be fully present for your child.

IMG-20230515-WA0016.jpgMy sweet mother

You know how they say you respect and cherish your mother more when you become a mum yourself, I felt exactly the same, I love my mum a lot, and going through labour pain myself increased that love to an unmeasurable amount, going through all that pain and still giving up all to take care of me and my siblings is the best sacrifice I can never repay back. And I pray she lives long enough to enjoy the fruits of her labour.Even as a mother now, she still keeps mothering me and her grandchildren, she is the first person I run to for advice about my children and life in general, I feel lucky and blessed because of her.

Replicating that same sacrifice and love to my now two daughters is all I live for every day, I would lie if I paint motherhood as a very easy journey, though exciting, and gives you a sort of peace, knowing you have what to live and go about your daily lives for, motherhood isn't easy, mothers makes it looks easy, there are so many things I never knew about life that motherhood taught me, it taught me patience, which was far from my nature as a spinster, it taught me to be strong even in the time of weakness and I became more spiritual in terms holding up unto my faith as a Christian.

Watching my daughter go through pain once and almost giving up, shook me to the core when she was sick, she taught me to be strong for her even though all arrows fired at me at that moment were weakness, but never was I going to give up on my daughter, and by God grace, she survived and still surviving. When I go about my day's job and the day's activity weigh me down, thinking about my children gives me the strength to keep pushing.


If there's one tip I would give to mothers out there is to trust your instinct concerning your child, it never fails most times and this is one tip I also need to adopt, if your mind feels something isn't right about your child, make sure to probe further in whatever stage of life they are, most of us don't know the gift we have as mothers is also in our instinct, this has helped us mothers overcome challenges that might have gotten worst, early last week I had a feeling my daughter wasn't ok even though she looked fine, I took her to school only to be called that she wasn't feeling fine, I felt bad for ignoring my instinct, and rushed down to her school to the hospital, it hasn't been an easy week, but i'm grateful she is already recovering, so mothers,use the gift of your instinct well.

IMG-20230515-WA0020.jpgMe and my sister, both 💪 moms

I don't regret being a mother, and I think I became a mother just at the right time, it is not easy, but it is worth it all, may we all never fail in our duties as mothers and fathers, and all we need to take care of them both emotionally, physically and financially be always available for us.

Many hugs to amazing mothers out there, and Happy Mother's Day once again.

This is my entry for #mymotherhoodjourney writing contest currently ongoing in the #motherhood community also an entry for #mayinleo day 12, check out the announcement post for more.

All images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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