50 years wedding anniversary of my parent

Hello hivers,
It's been a while I shared concerning my family.
I will like to welcome you to my blog as I share some stuff concerning my family.

A family is a root for every human being. To me, any one without a family is like a plant without root which can easily fall. In the country where I am, family is normally regarded with high esteem. Whatever you become especially politically, is traceable to your family.

My parent

I want to thank God because I didn't fall from a tree but came through a family. I have been blessed with a father and a mother that had been married for 50years old now. Happy wedding anniversary to my parents. Wow it's golden Jubilee.


When I took a sober reflection on the number of years spent in marriage, I was amazed. 50 years is not 50seconds, is not 50 minutes, is not 50hours, is not 50days, is not 50weeks, is not 50months. The more I think about this, the more I humble myself and know that I have a long way to go in the journey of marriage. However, the journey of thousands begins with a step. I'm on it and won't give up.

The most interesting aspect is how both my father and mother met. In brief, it happened that my mother came to stay with her elder sister in the same village with my father. Her poise quickly captured his attention as he observed her movements, conversations and behaviours in general. She was kind, respectful and very industrious.
Hmmm so someone could have such intention in 70s?

It was on 9th April,1972 that my father married my mother. They have since been blessed with six children and seven grand children. It has been a great family all the way.

For them to clock 50years in marriage, we the children had to organise a celebration galore to commiserate the day. It was an eventful day that brought different calibre of personality to witness it. It was more of like a renewal of marriage. We ate, cut cake, danced and rejoiced with everyone that honoured the invite. It's awesome to celebrate the living than showering gold and silver at the burial rites.
The family

what I learnt;

Don't despise parents, they are channels.
Celebrate the living.
Family is an umbrella that gives shelter to many.
When you celebrate your parents, you increase their longevity.
Celebration is reciprocal.

I sincerely want to appreciate you for coming to my blog.



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