Weaning Aftermath

Happy new month

welcome to the second half of the year..life happened to most of us in the first quarter and it wasn't so kind, but I wish this second half is better for us all.

So it has officially been a month since I completely weaned my baby off breastfeeding. I heard so many talks about how painful and engrossed it can be for a mother who is no longer breastfeeding, I tried stopping so many times before but because of fear of all the stories I heard I couldn't. Till I was forced to because of my health which I Mentioned in an earlier post.

Generally, it wasn't a painful experience, it took me 3 days max, the first day I was engrossed and leaking profusely but thanks to a solid bra and towel I could manage it, the second day It was so heavy and strong but the pain was very minimal and the third day of dried up...

My sweet boy

Now he completely weans the only stress I go through is thinking of a meal to get him to have a balanced diet daily. I was told children had to take enough milk till they are one. I was so worried cause my son didn't like formula and even worst never accepted bottle feeding.

The first week he lost so much weight that I wanted to resume breastfeeding but my mother discouraged me saying

“my breast milk was sour” and it is unfit for the baby

I wonder if that statement is true.
do tell,if you heard about sour breastmilk before

Anyhow I needed to find a way to get him to take milk, so I started making smoothies and adding milk to his meal but the weight loss keeps getting worst.

I was told kids tend to shed some weight so they can be light to ease movement. I do not believe in this line of thought. I know lots of thick babies that walked with ease before year one maybe it is my Mother's way of not discouraging me.

I feel this mum's guilt that I shouldn't have weaned him off just yet, it hurts me so bad when I get comments like our chubby baby is now lean or tiny or small...

I have tried all the weight gain meals I have heard of, avocados, Greek yogurt, egg, pap, proteins ( chicken) and so much more but I guess it isn't enough for his diet.


I have decided to keep at it and make more nutritious meals at least he isn't sick so that's a good thing there .....Hopefully, he gets himself back fully


On a brighter note;

It is his first birthday in a few day, the 13th.how time flies, I am about to have a one year old....

Someone pinch me

Financial constraint will not allow us celebrate like i plan to,but i believes it is going to be a lovely day for us both, party or not.


How do you deal with weight loss in your kids? What meal can be recommended for weight gain? Is it normal for kids to lose so much weight after weaning?

Do share your experience in the comment.

Thank you

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