A Newborn's Smile


The blessing and breath of fresh air of a new soul is indescribably fascinating. Words are insufficient and lacking.

For the newly born goes from making drowsy faces in the first couple of weeks, barely able to stay awake, to then transitioning to bewilderment at the glimpse of this new world they've been brought into.

Then the remarkable day comes when they recognize you and suddenly let loose a big old toothless smile. A sweet glass full of pure genuineness.


Never has anyone been so happy to see you and their lack of composure considerably shows it.

Their arms and legs fling in excitement and just as quick as it began, it ends and their face goes newborn expressionless again.

For the observant mother, this flight of emotion is forever stored in her tender heart and wonders at this new soul's potential.

Who will they become? What will they discover? Who will break their heart and how will they cope? Will they be understood? Will they impact the hearts of those who cross their path? And how will this be?

At this point only the wise Creator knows.

Yet if a mother's refined intuition is at hand, she can almost slightly forecast into the future just by observing her younster's strengths, weaknesses and inclinations.

Hoping that when the right time comes, she may proactively steer that new soul toward the good path. Like a rod is suitable for a vulnerable brand new sapling.

It's a valid fear to be a stumbling block for your child. To be the reason for their straying away. Although this may be true in many cases, remember that setting the example is an excellent antidote. It's a simple concept, yet hard to persevere in because of our fallen nature. Seek that balance.

Fight and accept the challenge, this must be done, for the success of this new soul that has been placed under our protection.

The joy new borns generate in life is immense. However, the responsibility is also immense.

Strength will be needed to stick to this nobel ambition to the end: To be a positive role model. As well as love, love for this new soul will achieve perseverance. Self improvement will not only benefit the parent, but will also benefit this incredible new soul.

Yet, never forget the imperfections, better to have them on sight and remain humble than forget and lose sight of the humble path.

A letter to my newborn:

"New soul, may you forever seek justice and without a second thought show mercy unto others.

May charity and humility guide your heart, no matter how broken it may get.

Let compassion be your sword and faith be your shield.

Let not sin take root in your heart because it will destroy and crush you without mercy.

That in all things God may be glorified.

Remember you're just human and many things you cannot change. But if you change what you can for the better, compensation will be yours.

In the scale of justice may your good fruits overflow your bad ones.

Seek not unnatural amounts of happiness here on earth, for it is unsustainable and will lead to depression and despair.

Be willing to ask, for it's been promised that you shall receive.

And may you receive all that will keep you in the state of grace for all eternity.

Love, Mom."

Hi there!

Thanks for enjoying this moment of vulnerability with me as I lay open my heart to my children.

If ever I forget to let them know all this, it is now available for them in the blockchain.

I want to hear from you!

What was your first impression of your first born? Hang out with me! :D


Note: Photos are my own or purchased for my own use.

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