Motherhood Far Outside Of The Narrative... introducing myself

Blessings, Mothers and Those-Who-Wish-To-Be-Mothers,
I am reaching out in love and sisterhood, and as a gestating womb-one who lives and thrives WELL OUTSIDE of the mainstream. The majority of conventional discourse around fertility, conception, identity, gestation, and birthing is not moving towards Life, and this makes it very challenging how to connect with others through the fog.


So it's hard to know where to begin, apart from the obvious fact that I have a place in a community like this one on Hive, because I am one who lives from womb. At the same time, I am so deeply and lucidly aware, that bringing a profoundly Natural perspective and presence into any collective, is often making ourselves very vunerable to attack on multifarious levels - I am deeply aware of that as a woman, as a foreigner, as an indigenous and natural woman; even before gestating (and gestating healthily at the age that I am), I felt that it is a lot of work Just Being - and having to perpetually defend myself around NOT participating in conventional norms - which I know to be harmful and which I choose not to participate in - nevermind having to try and avoid the general nonsense that gets thrown at the average gestating woman!


As a mother now - whether or not this child comes to full-term - I feel so more tangibly the huge distance and the huge walls that prevent me from being where I should be, woven firmly into thefabric of the community... and at the same time I know that I have to stand up and TAKE that place, as it is Time!

As a Truth-speaker and a Living example of what health is, the past few years, I have suffered immensely and been terribly isolated, through the psychosis of 'infection' and the weaponising of human breath - the most sacred, essential and life-giving Gift from the Divine - as a woman standing up for all of our Living Rights, there was significant prejudice and negative projection, threat and rejection thrown in my direction. I was pushed away from friends and neighbours alike, as I continued to stand in Truth, offer Solution, and refuse to submit to coercion on any front.


This has led to a great spiritual awakening, and also, ultimately, to my improved health, purpose and fertility! I now embrace my path with such crystal clarity of Knowing Embodied, and feel like a vessel filling with sacred mana. At the same time, I live in a place and situation where I do not have either family or female support immediately - I know that part of my journey in Life is in absolute solitude, strength alone - I have felt how different I am even as a smallest child - and now, even in motherhood - and also, I yearn for how our lives SHOULD interweave and flow, collaborate and co-create; I feel the powerful vulnerability of alone-ness, and also I feel how spirit fills me and how I have never been less alone! As my gestation stabilises entering the fifth month, my metabilism and natural rhythms seem to settle, and the mystical rests firmly into my Sacred Everyday. All is Domestic Alchemy and beauty unfolding, consciousness expanding and all things around me righting themselves.


I ride on this cosmic wave of seeming contradictions - between creation and destruction - between life and Life

STILL, I have not and do not want to share my happy experience and healthy gestation with ANYONE outwith the very tight core friends group, and within communities like this on Hive, which I know to be powerfully inclusive and respectful of difference. I do not identity with being 'different' or even 'radical' - apart from in the original meaning of the word being rooted. I am working through my own neurosis that I will not be able to handle the crazy that gets thrown at pregnant women in general - and might be intended for me in particular! - BUT I am growing my energy, confident and ease-of-navigation daily. It is such a blessed, blissed state to Be.

I wanted to reach out here on Hive in particular, as I am called to share my lifework - to plant the seed of it at least - in the context of wherever there might be open minds which can resonate and weave with my own - and perhaps more so, to offer inspiration and support to others who feel similarly strongly about the following very specific fields of conscious:

autonomous, sovereign, natural, symbiotic gestation

leading to

free, natural, orgasmic birth at home, possibly alone

followed by such things as

elimination communication

unschooling/ natural-spiritual education about what is really happening in the world, and how the Universe really works

raising a New Living Woman or Man with a thriving bodymindspirit and the capacity to navigate all that is unravelling in the world, as they co-create the new with us

I am receiving regular downloads around how we can better navigate pregnancy, birth and mothering: how we transition from the system that enslaves and de-natures us, reclaim our God-given riches and inheritance, and how we step out of the system methodically and easily: the sacred feminine Living Way, rather than the political/ paperwork/ follow-the-leader 'solutions'.

My vitality-wisdom-energy flows in the indigenous, the spontaneous and integrated intuitive, and the Vital Force grounded in Womb as Sacred Vessel. I would love to connect with you if you are keen to open dialogue, find Healing and Ways forward together!


I have already uploaded the first 9 podcasts of my ongoing Secret Pregnancy series, to Funk Whale, and will be publishing them on the Hive blockchain also, as legacy of my Gifts to Motherhood. See my profile here on Hive where the first 3 are published, or visit The Sovereign Womb on Funk Whale.

My art can be seen on my website as detailed below.

Please do reach out if you feel connection!

Many, many sincere blessings to you and all your families,



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