The importance of support for children: A mother's diary with her daughter

Every parent in the world knows very well the importance of being there for their children. This premise passes, almost without alteration, throughout the world and in almost every culture. But it is no less true to remember that as parents, our commitment is to the benefit of our children. Personally, in my case, I have a split decision: to be my daughter's first fan in her favorite sport, which is dance, but at the same time, to be the mother who is there to correct her and push her to be even better. Life is an accumulation of opportunities, we, the parents see the talent in our little ones, but it is also our challenge to help them discover it and see it blossom.

For this reason, I decided to do this post. My daughter is a girl who for as long as I can remember, has loved dance, dance, choreography and especially ensemble sports. I always knew, "this girl is going to be a dancer". I also remember trying to get her started in the more classical ballet, but there the story is very hard, elitist and honestly, at that time I did not have enough money or time. I confess that as a mother, it is a pleasure to see how, hand in hand with talent, her effort pays off. She is at the top of her class, and one of the most outstanding in her entire dance academy.

It took me a long time to understand the role that I, as a mother, had to play for my daughter. Because that's what it's all about; the real goal is to support our children. And sometimes, the best thing for them, just to set an example, is to discipline or demand. Let's get this straight. I'm not talking about unjustified and excessive pressure. But I am talking about knowing what your little one's potential is and being by her side when she thinks she "can't" or when fear invades her decisions. Fulfilling the mother-friend duality (as I define it) is one of the most remarkable and enriching experiences I have ever had in my life.

Never leave your children lonely, or feeling inferior or unsupported. I myself have witnessed what neglect and poor decision making by some parents can do to children. I have seen talent go to waste in utter nothingness, because having no one in the stands to cheer for you and tell you how much they love you. There will never be a better investment than being there for them, for our little ones. I will never tire of reproducing this message: and I believe, dear Hivers, and parents in general, that when you hesitate to be there for your children, never hesitate; always choose them.

This post is developed within the context of sport or extracurricular activity. And based on my experience as a mother, we can witness true athletes, or future professionals in sports, art or culture with the proper support. Not only in terms of intentions or feelings, but in effort, discipline, support, challenge and demand based on fairness and respect. It is always said that success has no single formula, and it is true, but there are always certain steps and tips that make reaching the goal (that your children are full, happy and healthy) more attainable.

As a mother, I will only insist that you are always there for them. That on the darkest and hardest days (which there will be) you draw strength from wherever they are and still be there for them. Children are a miracle, a joy, a bliss that even a thousand poets cannot describe. In that sense, let's love them, let's take care of them, let's show love and companionship as best we can. No one has the absolute truth, there is no one way to help them, therefore, I only advise and ask you, respectfully, to be there for them, always. I swear it is worth every drop of effort.

Both the photos of the girls, as well as the use of reproduction of the same have been previously authorized by the parents of the participating girls. Additionally, the photographic material belongs to my intellectual property. Thank you for reading me.

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