When every member of the family is sick

Hello Everyone. It’s been a while since my last article here. Amidst the myriad of life's challenges, the well-being of my family weighs heavily upon my mind, causing me to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Initially, my husband fell ill, experiencing a fever for two consecutive days accompanied by a persistent cough. Luckily he just received his salary at that time so I had enough money to buy medicines for him. I was happy that his fever was gone after 2 days of taking medications and supplements.
Regaining some strength, he resolved to resume work. However, a day into his return, he succumbed to illness once more, this time without a fever. Only a persistent cough and body aches lingered.
Consequently, my children, both my daughter and son, developed coughs. My son's fever persisted for three days, prompting me to schedule a checkup with his pediatrician for further evaluation.
In addition, I urged my husband to schedule a medical checkup, as his persistent cough had not subsided after a week after that, he went to the closest district hospital near our town, while my son and I headed to the city for his regular check-up with his pediatrician.
I had to close the computer shop where I work since I had to go to the city with my son.

To ensure our spot, we decided to arrive at the clinic as early as possible. Around 9:18 am, we reached the clinic. Earlier in the morning, I had already informed the pediatrician's secretary via text message, but the clinic operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fortunately, there weren't many patients at the clinic that day. We waited approximately 10 minutes until the doctor arrived.
As the first patient of the day, my son's name was summoned. Before using his stethoscope to examine my son's back and chest, the doctor inquired about his medical history.
Upon examining my son, the doctor prescribed a combination of medications, including antibiotics and asthma-specific treatments, to address his health concerns.

Following our medical check-up, we proceeded to Plaza Marcela, the store adjacent to the bus station. We intended to acquire the prescribed medicine before heading to Jollibee for lunch. Since it was still early I decided to go back to my workplace and work for half a day. With a sense of guilt, I watched my son sit down at Jollibee, patiently waiting for our order. He assumed we would be dining there. However, I had to break the news to him that we were pressed for time and needed to return to my workplace immediately. I explained that we would have to eat our food on the bus to make up for lost time.

Upon our return home from work, I was optimistic that my son's fever would not resurface. Around 9-10 pm, my son's fever spiked again, reaching a concerningly high temperature of 39.9 degrees Celsius. This development filled me with worry, and I considered rushing him to the hospital. However, my husband was also unwell at the time, making the decision more challenging.
So what I did is I got my rosary beads and I let my son hold it. I was praying to God to heal my son. With the hope of alleviating his fever promptly, I gently roused my son from his slumber and administered the prescribed medicine, aiming to expedite the subsidence of his elevated temperature.
From time to time, I measure his temperature to ascertain whether it has decreased.
During that period, my sleep was disturbed due to concerns regarding his well-being. At last, I drift into slumber as his fever gradually diminishes.
With gratitude toward God, I diligently continued administering the prescribed medication for his persistent cough. Fortunately, his fever never returned, providing relief and reassurance.
Upon consumption of his medication, the cough subsided, leaving him relieved.

Additionally, my husband was also on antibiotics, leaving me uncertain whether his cough had fully subsided or not. Despite having undergone an X-ray, the results are still pending. This leaves us uncertain about the condition of his lungs. I advised my husband to obtain the X-ray results promptly so that we could understand the extent of the damage caused by his smoking habit and determine the appropriate medication needed.
Currently, I have a cough that produces white phlegm. However, the coughing episodes are infrequent and limited to the early morning hours, specifically at dawn.
My daughter still has a cough.
When a family member falls ill, I tend to experience heightened levels of stress. I worried about where I would find the money for their medication, I didn't want them to suffer needlessly.

With that, I conclude my motherhood blog for today. I hope you enjoyed reading my article.

Thank you for reading, and may divine blessings be upon us all.

All photos used in this article are all mine © unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission. Published: 09/18/2024 04:25 pm (GMT)

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