My son is sick again and its making me feel stress

Today is market day here in my place and mostly market day is a busy day for me but it depends on the season. Sometimes I get so busy sometimes not.

When I arrived at work I quickly turned on the Air conditioner and all the computers before we headed to the Municipal health center.
Due to his lingering, cough and previous high fever, I decided to take my son to the health center today. He is feeling okay though it is just his cough with phlegm that is making me feel worried and stressed.
Other patients patiently waiting

Informed consent form

My son was busy playing with his police toy car while waiting for our turn.

We waited for a couple of minutes in the waiting room before it was our turn to have the pre-assessment and get the medical information. The nurse took the body temperature and weight of my son and asked us about our medical history and then we waited for a couple of minutes since the doctor was still not around. I asked the nurse what time the doctor would arrive and she said it depends, sometimes it's earlier, and sometimes it's a bit late.
Since my son won't stay in one place I decided to wait outside the health center. Waiting outside is way better because it's a bit windy and you can feel the cold breeze of the wind.

After waiting for a couple of minutes I saw the doctor coming so I greeted him and then he nodded. When he entered the building everyone greeted him good morning. Since there were still a few patients ahead of us we waited for a couple of minutes before it was our turn. When it was our turn the doctor asked about the health condition of my son. I told him that my son's cough had already been around 2 weeks and it had phlegm, and he had a fever twice too.

Our Municipal health doctor

List of the medicines needed for my son

After telling him about the health condition he told us to proceed to the nurse area. The nurse will be the one to give us the list of medicines needed. We also waited for a couple of minutes before we were called. After we had the prescription we headed back to my workplace.
It was so hot outside and I forgot to bring an umbrella. Since the health center is just a walking distance from where I work we just walk going back to my workplace.

When we arrive at my workplace I have seen some customers waiting. I was quite busy when I opened the computer shop.

At lunchtime when my husband arrived I told him to buy the medicines needed for my son.
We spent 341.25 pesos on the medicines and the vitamins.
Bad things happened when my son accidentally broke his vitamins. He dropped it on the floor. Luckily it was still in the box when he dropped it. At least the bottle glass didn't scatter on the floor.

After what happened I was so mad and my son said sorry for what he did. He wanted to hug but I was emotionally bothered by what had happened. I know it was an accident yet I reacted so badly. It's just vitamins are expensive and we are not financially okay.
My husband asked me if he needed to buy a new one but I said no need. We don't have enough money for it anymore. We still need money for our daily expenses like food.

To be honest, having a sickly kid is not easy. I have to have savings for emergencies especially since my son has asthma and it attacks now and then. I felt bad that he had to take medicine over and over again. I wish his asthma would be gone so he won't be taking medicine anymore.

Hopefully his cough and cold will go away.

Thank you for dropping by and reading my motherhood article for today. God bless everyone!

All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission.
Published: 12/05/2023 02:45 pm (GMT)

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