Kids’ educational geography cards - Myanmar (Burma).

Hello friends,

I’m back to continue sharing our card game. We get these cards from Yo-Yo bear snacks, that my kids like.


Today’s country is Myanmar.
Capital city: Naypyidaw
Continent: Asia

Kayan tribeswomen are famous
for wearing brass rings around
their necks. They believe it is a
sign of beauty and protects
them from tiger attacks.


Girls get their first ring when they
are five, and add more each year
to make their necks look longer
and longer and longer.


Italy an interesting fact that Myanmar is one of three countries that have not yet applied the International System of Units (the metric system). While the other two, the US and Liberia, use the Imperial system, Myanmar has its own traditional system of units.


Myanmar has one of the best tea in the world. Tea plays a very important part in Burmese’s culture and daily life. People drink tea during their breakfast, when someone visits their home, at parties, in tea shops, etc.
Tea can be eaten like salad and is considered a kind of ‘national snack’. This kind of tea leaf is called ‘laphet’ and is a kind of fermented or pickled tea.

I hope it was an interesting set of facts about Myanmar.

DeviceIPhone 12 Pro
ThemeKids’ educational cards
ObjectMyanmar (Burma)
Captured by@artmom

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