Being a WOMAN is easy but being a MOTHER is so challenging along the way

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Never in my entire life that I dreamt of being a mother. At a young age, I wanted to become something else. Becoming a nun was my ultimate dream due to the environment that I grew up. My whole high school life was spent with the nuns who happened to be my uplifters. I am very blessed to be with them. Those years shaped me a lot as a human being.

Since the story of my life is unique, I had this fear of committing to someone. I am afraid that in the end, I might end up with nothing. Though I am not a man-hater, I just think that it will kill me slowly. But God is good in letting me know that He prepared someone who will help me grow; someone who completes me and makes me whole; turns him into the ideal man that a girl is looking for (Yay!)


I am proud to say that he is my first and last gent. A man who was my motivation and the source of inspiration ever since we met. The moment I started engaging in such intimate relationships, I never expected that he will be the one who lands on my ship. I am forever grateful that God is in control. He knows no boundary and love conquers all.


We were introduced back in November 2017 through a close friend. At first, I didn’t want to entertain him because of this feeling that he would be the same with most men. Along the way, I realized that I was wrong and that he was unique from all other. I think it was my heart over my mind that prevailed because I have a stone heart that is afraid to fail.


To cut the story short, he proposed to me last April 13, 2018, and a year after that, we had our wedding day on May 16, 2019. The preparation was not so strenuous due to the help of our wedding planner but I can’t help myself feel nervous as the wedding day was fast approaching and feel pressured on how it will turn out at the end. In the end, it was a dream wedding that a woman wished for, walking down the aisle wearing a gown beautifully made by the highly respected designer in Cebu (Mr. Griffins). A mermaid style that made me sexier than ever. Superb! It was such a fantastic and memorable day we had as a couple.

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We are both of legal age but not that older, but hey let me say a little bit though (just kidding). That is why we prayed and hoped for a baby as soon as possible. Without hesitation, God blesses us with a wonderful bundle of joy (a precious baby) who is the core of our motivation. To strive hard and give him the life we never experienced before - a great journey every parent should go through.

(Flashback Moments) The moment when my menstruation didn't arrive, I already had an instinct that this might be it. My husband was very excited to buy a pregnancy test. He wanted to know right away if we guessed it right. Yes, he was the one doing the test. Teary-eyed, he showed me the results saying “Mommy, it's positive". Our hearts jump over for joy, feel grateful that God hears our call to have a baby who completes our family. Indeed, it is a memorable day!


My first trimester went so very well. I never had a tough experience, and everything goes smoothly (thank God above all). As a first-time-to-be mom, I am so thankful that my baby is very cooperative and that he never lets mommy be so stressed. More so, his daddy keeps on talking to him every night. And maybe because of my grandmother too. If you are a Filipino, we have this thing called called “LIHI” or superstitious rituals. Our family is into that. Some don't believe it but for us, it worked.

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My second and third trimester was okay until the day of my labor and delivery day. I could still remember how eager I was to let my baby out then it turned out that he looked just like his dady. No words can express how happy I am seeing my baby and carrying him in my arms. Indeed, he is the best gift I ever held in my hands. A big thanks to our Lord who permits everything to withstand.

As a first-time mom, I have this DIY style as a remembrance of my one and only SONSHINE’s milestone every month. I think it is normal for mothers out there to do this. As of now, I love looking back at the pictures. It is worth remembering and thinking about how time flies so fast. Back then, while he was still in my tummy, he kept pushing off with his feet around. My son is 2 years old now.



The life that I have now is so ONE-DEAR-FULL! This is because of my compassionate husband who is a very responsible and also determined. The most family-oriented that I’ve ever known. Indeed, I am a happy mother and a very lucky wife sitting in my own thrown. I don’t know what’s in me that I am so blessed with my family (by the Grace of God). My life is not perfect, but God designed everything for my family perfectly.

Sometimes, I feel that I do not deserve this, but God shows instances in telling me to feel so. What lies ahead is a mystery to unfold but we must do good and be good all the time so all the good things will come back to us in the most unexpected sublime. Life is so short to have regrets too. Be kind all the time, and spread some positivity all the way. Thank you so much everyone for spending your time reading my blog! See you around. God bless!

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