A targeted strike by the Moscow Federation with prohibited weapons on a civilian dormitory in Chasovoy Yar is an international war crime.

At least 26 people are known to have died as a result of the shelling. Another 9 were injured but saved.
The Moscow Federation violated the norms of international humanitarian law, which imposes on the parties to an armed conflict the obligation to constantly distinguish between the civilian population and combatants, and to conduct operations only against military targets.
Civilians who lived in the dormitory became the objects of a deliberate attack from the side of the Moscow Federation. There were NO military facilities nearby.
I call on the foreign policy department and the political leadership of the state to send the UN a request to convene a meeting of the Security Council in connection with the war crime of the Moscow Federation - the shelling of a civilian dormitory in Chasovoy Yar, which resulted in a large number of victims.

Photo - https://t.me/UkrWitness

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