Izyum Tragedy: Another Bucha or Worse?

If you are affected by war in Ukraine or you’re interested in what is happening there, no doubt, you saw this viral photo.

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_Photo Source: _Glavcom

This human arm with a blue and yellow bracelet has already become a symbol of the destruction of Ukrainians.

On September 15, after the liberation from the russian occupiers, it became known that more than 440 bodies were found in a mass burial in Izyum of the Kharkiv region. A genocide, or is it not?

Izyum has been under occupation for nearly half a year. This is the city that survived from continuous airstrikes and shelling from all available weapons; the city that received the most missile strikes and the city where there were twice as many russian soldiers as there were residents for that time. Izyum city council states that 80% of its infrastructure and residential buildings are destroyed.

" " \" \" \\"307211011_5433343430047055_5206995236624328235_n.jpg\\"\"\"""

_Photo Source: _unicornandwine

Today the exhumation process in Izyum continues and it’s a hard deal. Those people who are engaged in this business now are real heroes.

" " \" \"09870000-0aff-0242-48d2-08da97d39b86_w1597_n_st.jpg\"\""" _Photo Source: _Radio Svoboda

The exhumation is incredibly tiresome. It’s still unknown the exact number of people buried there. For today we know that besides Izyum citizens, there are also lots of Ukrainian military people. There were people with tied up hands behind their backs, with ropes around necks, as well as with numerous visible traces of tortures.

" " \"09850000-0aff-0242-8dd7-08da97da71fe_w1597_n_st.jpg\"""_ Photo Source: _Radio Svoboda

This smiling child, 6-year old Olesya Stolpakova was one of those victims found buried with her family in a mass burial in Izyum. The whole family of Olesya were killed in early March - her parents, grandma and grandpa and her sister Sasha.

" "photo_2022-09-17_14-24-02.jpg""

_Photo Source: _Pravda_Gerashchenko_en

And a moment for a humble smile! Even animals are happy to be deoccupied by Ukrainian army in the Kharkiv region.

"photo_2022-09-18_09-45-04.jpg"_ Photo Source: _Pravda_Gerashchenko_en

It was about Izyum, but, unfortunately, there was also Kupiansk, Balakliia, Shevchenkove, and other towns and villages in the Kharkiv region, which suffered a lot of troubles from occupants.

What do you think about Izyum tragedy? Share your opinion with us: https://www.pissedconsumer.com/

Read more about war in Ukraine: https://www.pissedconsumer.com/blog/2022/09/the-truth-about-ukraine-should-be-known/

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