Opinion leaders on HIVE. Who are you following?

In 2018, I've opened the blog of a famous Ukrainian musician. Oleg Mikhailyuta from «ТНМК» shared his preferences for the tracks that are currently in his playlist at the top. Of the 5 tracks, four were recorded by English-speaking artists, and only the fifth promoted Ukrainian music - but this track was impressive!!!

In the black-and-white video, a girl in a sports suit on a jog reads a rap. Her track «Голови» (Heads) stuck in my memory so much that I followed her creative success, watched interviews, and admired her talent and strength.

$7.7 thousand - that's what the track Galas of rapper alyona alyona, which she sold in NFT format in 2021, cost.


Source of picture: Online media «Detector media»

The human brain works so interestingly. Now when I have registered on Hive, I have begun to notice how quickly the latest digital technologies, including blockchain, are part of our lives.

I have already decided on my preferences in music, but on Hive, I need your help and advice.

Which of the interesting and extraordinary personalities on Hive are you following?

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