Хімічна зброя / Сhemical weapons

Привіт ми з України!Hello we from Ukraine!
На жаль, на 48 день війни я змушений писати про те, що в Україні реальна загроза застосування хімічної зброї.Unfortunately, on the 48th day of the war, I have to write that there is a real threat of using chemical weapons in Ukraine.
Після заклику одного із представників ОРДО викурити українських військових із укріплень Азовсталі в Маріуполі застосувавши хімічну зброю, вчора представники полку Азов заявили про факт застосування хімічної зброї.After a call by a member of the ORDO to smoke out the Ukrainian military from the Azovstal fortifications in Mariupol using chemical weapons, representatives of the Azov Regiment said yesterday that chemical weapons had been used.



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"Увага!!! Близько години тому російські окупаційні війська використали проти українських військових та цивільних осіб в місті Маріуполь отруюючу речовину невідомого походження, яку було скинуто з ворожого БПЛА. У постражалих спостерігається дихальна недостатність, вестибуло-атактичний синдром. Наслідки використання невідомої речовини уточнюються."

"Attention !!! About an hour ago, the Russian occupation forces used a poisonous substance of unknown origin against Ukrainian military and civilians in the city of Mariupol, which was dropped from an enemy UAV. The victims have respiratory failure, vestibulo-atactic syndrome. "

На сьогодні офіційно не підтверджено використання хімічної зброї окупаційними військами. Від цього загроза застосування хімічної зброї не стала меншою. Саме тому, далі я поділюсь алгоритмом дій, вразі застосування хімічної зброї. Для англомовних користувачів, я зроблю текстовий переклад.To date, the use of chemical weapons by the occupying forces has not been officially confirmed. As a result, the threat of using chemical weapons has not diminished. That is why I will share the algorithm of actions, in the case of the use of chemical weapons. For English-speaking users, I will do a text translation.
Алгоритм взято з цього джерелаThe algorithm is taken from this source


Follow official sources and strictly follow the instructions. Such messages should include:

  • announcements of signs of use of chemical weapons;
  • the main features of the detected chemicals;
  • territories of their application;
  • recommendations for injury prevention and primary care;
  • methods of treatment for victims and emergency numbers;
  • instructions for persons in need of evacuation from the affected area
  • once the use of specific chemical weapons has been confirmed, the notices and instructions will be detailed.


The main physical symptoms of chemicals

  • miosis (excessive narrowing of the pupils);
  • disorientation and sweating;
  • twitching and convulsions
  • irritation of the respiratory tract and difficulty breathing;
  • eye and skin irritation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness.


Priority actions in the area of chemical damage


  • leave the affected area;
  • try to move fast but not run;
  • breathe slowly to inhale as little poison as possible;
  • find shelter nearby. If possible, return to your home.

In the car:

  • drive to the side of the road, do not obstruct the movement of cars.
  • switch off the engine and close all air vents that draw in outside air, including the air vents.
  • cover your mouth and nose with a cloth: a scarf or face mask.


Priority actions in the area of chemical damage


  • climb to the top floor and find a room with as few windows and doors as possible;
  • close windows, doors, vents and everything else that helps air to enter the room from the outside;
  • do not eat or drink anything that could be exposed to chemicals.
  • turn on the news and wait for the announcement when it is safe to go outside.


If you experience symptoms of chemical damage

  • Remove the top layer of clothing. If possible, put clothes in a bag and close it.
  • Place this airtight bag in another bag and seal with duct tape. Instructions for disposal or cleaning will be provided later.
  • If you have signs or symptoms of corrosive or irritating substances - such as redness, itching and burning of the eyes or skin - rinse them with water.
  • Do not use soap to wash your eyes. Don't touch other people.


Evacuation from the area affected by chemical weapons.

  • When evacuating from the area affected by chemical weapons, wear clean, tight clothing that covers all areas of the body as much as possible. If possible, wear goggles, masks, hats and gloves, and a raincoat. If you have to be in the shelter, stock up on water, food, and essentials.
  • Do not return to the affected area without the appropriate instructions of the SES and other emergency services, as areas can be dangerous for a long time (even several months)

Дякую усім, хто НЕ залишається байдужим і продовжує слідкувати за війною в Україні. Ваша увага та підтримка дуже важлива для нас.Thank you to everyone who not remains indifferent and continues to monitor the war in Ukraine. Your attention and support is very important to us.
Увесь HBD, що я зароблю від написання своїх повідомлень під час війни, буде конвертовано та відправлено на допомогу тим українцям, які цього потребують. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ!!!All the HBD I earn from writing my messages during the war will be converted and sent to help those Ukrainians who need it.


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