Rags Promo Photo Comic

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I hang out with the creator (Brian Ball) of a dope comic called Rags. He's running a Kickstarter (see link below) and will be running an Indiegogo for those who prefer that platform. I'll drop some art from the book down at the bottom of this so you can check out Luigi Teruel's emotive and powerful linework.

I've made a series of photo comics based on his promotional efforts. Partially to lampoon writers like Tom King or Brian Michael Bendis who believe that repeating the same panel repeatedly is clever, and partially to lampoon him. If you've read Heroes in Crisis you should know where this is going!

This strip is based on a 10 minute video he put on YouTube to support his book. The first two lines are quotes from him (or close paraphrases) and the last line is a summary of the entire video.

Rags Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ragsreup/rags-reup-youre-crazy?ref=byanvl

Rags Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/rags-reup-you-re-crazy-uncensored/coming_soon/x/18538681


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