Knock Knock - Who's there?

"Knock, knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Wie who?"
"I'm glad you're so happy to see me
and I don't think that's a banana in your pocket..."
"You're wrong, it actually is..."
(Takes the banana out of his pants' pocket and starts eating it with gusto...)

I know, that is not how knock knock-jokes go, they are usually a bit shorter but hey, I like to make fun, even of jokes. And if you ask me, rules are there to be broken ( after having learnt them first ). That's what I call creativity ;<)

Knock, knock!
"who's there?"
"You who?"
"I am pleased to see you too!"
"Really? I don't give a rat's ass about that band and Bono is not invited!
[walks away from the door...]"

And that's how another, improvised knock, knock-joke would become less and less funny...)

Back to me...

Me who?

Me me

I can't hear what you're saying.
Please stop talking like a baby!

As you might know, I stopped posting with this account a while ago...

For those who were still unaware of that fact, I moved over to a new blog: @diaryofacreative More about the why? can be read here

because of the aforementioned, I decided to check back in and see which one of you are still around. I feel I might be able to lure a few of you over to the dark other side, my new account

Also, I came up with this not very original title due to being raised a joker/with humor and word jokes. In fact, I used to know hundreds of jokes, by head, decades ago. This compensated nicely for my serious side and balanced/balances out the 'negativity' in the world/my life on a daily basis.


Who doesn't know knock knock! who's there? jokes

If you don't, you have missed out.


typo/pun intended

I am aware of the fact that it's also Summer in a lot of places around the world ( and if it's not, it will be Winter ), which might make people be less active online/ on here.

Add to that, the current value of Hive and the lull/horizontal movement in the crypto market of the last handful of months and I totally understand why many of you ( including those who are not reading this or finding this late ) have started spending less of their precious time and energy on here.

So that's why I came knocking on your virtual door ;<)

Oh and one more reason why I plan to keep posting on here, every now and then, is caused by this thing called 'gamification'. I figured out that I have written 981 posts with this account - only a thousand more to go to hit my birth year ;<) - over the (7+) years on this platform/the blockchain and it would feel like a shame to stop, just before I hit the big 1000.


So I hope you don't mind me come aknockin', on this door, every now and then.

I am curious if you will still open up for me. And, if not, you might at least reply to my knock, knock-joke by informing who's there?

Knock, knock?

possibly about the length of my arms ( it might be an optical illusion ).

Also, as a bit of a(n insider) joke, I inserted 3 pictures of me knocking on the doors of my house, from the inside

Hope to see you around! Either here or on my new main account. In fact, I welcome you to come knocking on that door

( preferably with a cheesy Joke. I was born and raised in Gouda, after all... )

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