Having Dates with Nuts - Bathing like a King Part 2

This follows Bathing like a King.

I know you would have loved to read about al my terrible dating experiences ( said the bachelor ) and I sure could have written about all these failed attempts at finding the woman of my dreams and you would have ROFLYAO-ed or in case you sympathize easily or are highly sensitive, you might feel for me, cringe or perhaps even cry a couple of tears over all the dates that I won't get into and prefer not to focus on any longer as I (have) overanalyze(d) anything already and I'm not that guy from the past but instead an upgraded version who knows what he's worth.

I know I deserve and will attract an amazing woman, when the time is right.

Anyhow, today I enjoyed some dates and nuts and that notorious ( see previous post ) glass of espumante/ sparkling wine, once again, while bathing and listening to classical music.

The water temperature was amazing and although I refilled the bath a bit, after half an hour or so, I managed to control myself and not refill my glass of espumante ( eventhough the bottle was resting right next to the bath ) as I drank plenty yesterday, during a spontaneous visit of a female friend ( not a date, not a nut ), who visited me at my new place. She and I caught up on the last couple of months and talked for many hours, while enjoying a nice lunch, some salty snacks and the bottle of red wine that she had brought along.

Today I cycled up to my apartment, again, to prepare the last couple of things for their move out of my old place and into my new house, tomorrow. This will likely be my very last night in this place ( unless I spend a night here with the new tenant, a woman, in the future haha! ), so that's why I decided to bathe like a King, one more time, use the oven once more ( I made fries from sweet potato ) and watch a movie ( or to be more precise, to rewatch the pilot of what used to be one of my favorite TV series: Twin Peaks ).

Life is Good!✨

especially when you bathe like a King and don't take dates or nuts too seriously

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