Village life is not for me.

Oh em gee people, major problem has struck me but I still gotta vent about my trip to bae’s village this past three days. Baby girl here was NOT prepared lol. There I was all excited to meet the in-laws in some small village in the middle of nowhere Oyo State. The things we do for love, am I right?


So we drive to this village called Igbeti or something, I dunno, it all looks the same to me out there lol. We get there and Walahi I was ready to run back to sweet sweet Lagos. First of all, no electricity the whole time?! My precious phone died 30 minutes after we arrived. And no network to even call and complain to my family that I wanted to go home asap. Like how do people survive out there without data or charging cables or WIFI or even a lightbulb at night?? I guess they were doing alright before all our modern gadgets huh.

The worst part was the “toilet”. I still have nightmares about that disaster. Like I’m expected to just go outside in some little shack with a hole dug in the ground? And the whole family knows when you go in there? *shivers. What happened to a nice cozy loo with toilet paper and magazines and where I can sit and gladly use my phone like I am used to biko?

Happy Birthday Monkey GIF

Three long days I have endured there now I am begging bae we need to leave, my son's expression was the worst , after one day of being there, he said "daddy I want to go home" he said this like three times, before his dad asked him to calm down, that we were leaving by Sunday, mehn me I can't wait for Sunday to come and go o.

As in everything is just so worst and boring here, I was excited about coming but now I am nowhere near excited as I am unable to get online and do my activities. As I am writing this post, I am seated at a junction not far from my in-laws place where I can get a network connection as in it is very bad.
I just can't wait to get back to my home and my lagos life, I swear village life isn't for me, I don't think I want this to experience this again in my life.

Another worst part is that my daughter fell sick just two days of being there, she couldn't eat anything after the first day, she stated stopping from the second day she couldn't sleep at night as she started running temperature, we had to get her drugs of all sort so as to make her strong again.its her first time seeing her grandma, the expression on her face when her grandma showered her with praises , even I could feel her blushing from where I was.

I think I am done with the village life now even though the meal here is on point not like what we eat in lagos.
Omo I can't wait to go home , let me continue eating my rice and concoction spaghetti with comfort

I mean a sister can only take so much torture! So never mind all that “so happy to finally visit my husband’s roots” nonsense I was saying before we left Lagos. Next time he wants to take me on a cultural adventure, we better stay put right in the centre of excellence.

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