The Recurring Boss

Have you played a game where you were very lucky to have beaten the boss, only to discover he is to show up once again, probably better and stronger?

Hehe...that was my case that semester...we had luckily gotten rid of a particular course that was made extremely hard just because of the mischievous lecturer in charge,

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only to find out that the same lecturer was to teach us another course again. On hearing this, I didn't even know if I should just go and sign up for a carryover, or just hope I will luckily defeat him the second time.

Technically, in his first class with us that new semester. He gave us a bunch of strict rules that I barely paid attention to, since I felt I was going to fail his course anyway, the only rule I can actually remember him say was " The moment I hear a phone ring while I'm in front of you guys, I will end the lecture at that moment, and assume that you guys already know that topic." Hmmm...if only I had the power, I would have told him he simply didn't know that course, and was only looking for ways to boycott it. Just as I was still saying this words within me, this man spoke up and said " well, I was In a live session with a renowned quantum physicist, and he confirmed that more than 80% of people who studied quantum physics are complaining that they don't even know what quantum physics who am I?". On Hearing this, it showed that the man was already trying to give excuses, and it further served as a proof, that this man clearly didn't even know the course he was appointed to teach ( can you imagine?) was there and then that I realized that most (I'm supposed to say all, but let's just give some benefit of doubt.) Federal universities in my country, house more comedians than lecturers and students lol.
A University where the lecturer knows nothing about the course he wants to teach? What then will he teach during his time? This man decided to bend and transform the actual scheme for that course to something he was more familiar with, making us deviate from the actual other words, it was more like writing mathematics as the subject, but giving us physics to read and solve lol.

To make the matter worse, this man wasn't even a lenient type of person....this man legit told us that we were going to write his exam, a month before the formal beginning of exams for all faculty, meaning we were going to write his exam before the school even announces exam dates lol.

One day, I was opportuned (I still don't see it as an opportunity though) to be in His class, when he conducted a test, which was to be graded over 10. Well, I wrote my very best that day, I in fact made sure I left no question unanswered...on the day of seeing results guess what! I scored 0.5 lol.
I was so scared that I had to confirm scores from others, and it seems I was even better than some lol...most scored 0 hehe ( I'm not going to lie , i felt like a scholar at that point lol)..."At Least 0.5 is better that 0" so I thought, using the scores of my guys as a source of encouragement for myself lol.

This same lecturer organized another test which was more strict than the former, and was to be graded over 20 marks.
I believe I was a bit too good and consistent with the .5s, because I scored 2.5 this time...permit me to say I improved lol. Looking around, others scored within that range as expected, except for the scholar in our class, who managed to score 6.5....this was technically the highest in the class, but funny enough, the lecturer never expected any of us to get past 3 marks, and so just simply wrote "cheated" on our scholars script.
This simply means that he didn't believe the guy wrote all that by himself and as a result was going to get a 0 for that test. they always say, a living dog is better than a dead lion, I was more that satisfied with my 2.5/20, than a 6.5/20, which was still recorded as a 0 lol.

Luckily for me, I was able to conquer this boss (lecturer) the second time, and just as I jubilated, I heard a rumor that we were still going to have him one last time lol. Why does this boss keep resurfacing? I really didn't get it till today. Maybe because he loves us so much (irony) lol.

Thanks For Reading.

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