The Best Instrumentalist In Town, Or Maybe The Worst

There's nothing as good as having very supportive parents, but having ones who are quite over supportive can also be an issue lol.

My mom is actually the type of person that sees good even in my small rubbish I sometimes call creativity. She is so supportive that when I want someone to genuinely grade my work or project based on beauty and quality, she is never among the top ten.

Why? Because she will always give the same expected result, some of such results are; "wow, this is so wonderful!! You should have a full 100% mark for this nice work", or "This is the best I have ever seen in my life" ( all this for a poorly made assignment lol). And of course if I over trust her own rating, I end up getting surprised when my teachers give me 10%, for the so called 'wonderfully made' assignment, even giving several reasons why mine is one of the worst he/she has marked lol.

Just 3 days ago, about 5 of my mom's friends came to pay her a surprise visit, and so a story led to another, and another, to yet another, but a particular part of their conversation I overheard, caught my attention — my mom and her friends were at that time, discussing about their children, and the instruments they play.

Well, about 2 weeks prior to that day, I enrolled to learn how to play the flute, and considering the time frame (just 2 weeks) it shows I'm still a newbie when it comes to playing flute but as usual, I knew my mom was going to place me as the best instrumentalist in town in front of her friends (I didn't believe her anyway,...that's her way lol).

That day, I overheard some of her friend, even naming dozens of instruments both common and uncommon ones, that their son/daughter could play, and soon enough, it was my mom's turn, and for sure, she began to talk about how good I was in playing flute( me that was barely 2 weeks old in this field)...she without stress, exaggerated my ability, way beyond even what I expected.

Well, just when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse, one of her friends yelled my name, to stand in front of them...without thinking twice, I walked to their midst, and shortly after they began to praise me just because of the way my mom talked about my skills. As a good guy, I didn't oppose my moms previous statement about my capability of playing flute, but instead I gave a fake smile back to them, and turned to leave when my mum told me to bring my flute, so I can entertain her friends with a little demo.

"Oh my God this woman just wants to disgrace me in front of her friends" I mouthed inaudibly...well, I couldn't refuse, I just had to obey her and give it my best.

I grabbed my flute, and summoned courage, went back to the sitting room, and told my mom to raise a song so I can play along, and she began to sing right away...believe me when I say "I tried my best." But my best was just as bad as my worst (read it again...don't ask what I meant ) lol.

I began to play off notes right from the very beginning,

Photo From Unsplash

and while playing, I could see the disappointment in the faces of my mum's friends even though they tried not to discourage me, and hence supported their friend's son. I continued regardless, but at some point, I stopped and told my mum who was already carried away by her song, that I was already tired and immediately I said that, her friends gave me a round of applause, as if to say they had actually had enough of the frustrating sound of my flute lol.

Leaving the scene, with shame and embarrassment, my mom was like "did you guys just see that powerful ministration by my son...he is too good." This got me even more ashamed, but the funny thing was how her friends tried to pretend they didn't hear my 9 minutes of off-notes...or maybe my ears were just playing on my intelligence.

Well, In all this case, please permit me to follow my mum's judgment just this one time, in terms of my ability to play other words, I am the best instrumentalist in town (even though I know my flute desperately wishes to argue that with me).

Thanks For Reading.

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