A Blood Transfusion: Who Should Actually Pay?

I ate very well for the week and decided to do charity..... For someone who hospital is like a second home, it was not hard of a nut to crack which charity I should do that connotes with eating well if you know, lol

It Was Blood Donation.

I have donated before and it's an interval of 3months before you could donate again (you know why it's specifically 3months or you don't? We will say that in a medical post let's focus on Comedy, hehehe)

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I checked my blood donor card and the last time I donated was September 2022, I was like, does it mean I have not been eating well since January because that was when I was due for another one but that's a story for another day, hehehe.

I decided to go on a Tuesday but the god of comedy (a man or a woman.. I don't know, do you?) wanted me to go on a Wednesday since he has something in store for me in the weirdest of places... The Hospital Blood Unit.

Finally it was Wednesday and I prepared for school but then wanted to go for the donation after my school activities so that I won't be feeling dizzy as an after-effect of the donation.

The day ran very fast and there I was 4:13pm already at the Head Of Department's (HOD) office and it was empty... The reception was also empty but then I was hearing voices inside, I was surprised.

Well, as someone who has a card with them and a known philanthropist in blood unit if something like that exists, I knew my way around and quickly went to the blood donation room and that was where the whole personnel were and here comes the interesting story, stay tuned.....

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Andre needed money and heard they sold blood at the hospital for 10, 000Naira ( about 14dollars ) but you will end up getting 7000Naira ( around 10dollars ) since they said the 3000Naira ( 4dollars ) is for logistics.. this is story for another day because I don't understand where the logistics came from with your own blood that your garri and sugar has pumping

Andre came in and unfortunately because of the strike, the Resident Doctors were not on seat and he met a House Officer who totally forgot to check his Haemoglobin (Hb) level and just did the screening test for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhoea and other transmittable infections and it was negative.

She immediately prepared Andre for the donation and connected the blood bag and Andre started clenching his fist to get the bag filled up.


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He laughs and is happy whenever he looks at the bag and remembers he was going home with 7000Naira.

Soon enough, he finished the donation and the blood bag was filled up and he went to the cashier to get his 7000Naira which he was given with ease and thanked for coming.

Unknown to Andre that he had a low Hb, he was bouncing out with smiley face everywhere and next thing was that he lost consciousness, Passers-by who saw him coming out of the blood unit quickly rushed him inside there instead of the Accident and Emergency ward since he was healthy coming out of there.

The house Officer recognised him immediately and it was only then that it dawned on her that she didn't checked Andre's Hb before commencing the transfusion.

He was quickly placed on oxygen and there was obvious peripheral pallor and the House Officer knew Andre needed transfusion immediately.

She quickly checked his Hb and it was very low, she went back to the blood storage room and brought back Andre's blood, brought cannula and brought blood giving set and quickly connected Andre immediately...

It was Andre receiving blood transfusion for the blood he just sold, hehehe.

The HOD already was there, the cashier and everyone that works there... His form was brought out and his parents were called.

For someone who left home few minutes ago healthy, the Dad and the mum upon receiving the call rushed to the hospital and were also there in the Blood Donation Unit.

Few hours later, Andre woke up and was confused as to how everybody were gathered there, he was also confused as to why he was still at the hospital instead of his dream restaurant according to his plans,lol.

The HOD thanked God for saving Andre's life and then advised him to always make sure he checks his Hb level before donating his blood anywhere

The cashier then took over the room, coughed... Errrmmmm, Mr. And Mrs. Obi, you are meant to pay for the blood he received ... It's the hospital's property and is sold at 40000 (about 54dollars)

Mr. Obi shouted and said he's not paying a dime since Andre was receiving his own blood....

The Cashier was shouting and the HOD was shouting also while Mr. Obi was also shouting.... The Shouting Era, hehehe

While all these shoutings were going on, Andre was holding on to his 7000Naira like gold and was saying that they needed to balance him extra 30,000.... What a boy

I gently turned back and went home... I will donate another day but not today, hehehe.

Light fades out......

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Ohm.....it's 3months because it takes the RBC 120days to completely die and new ones to fully replenish the stores, so after donating, you need to give your bone marrow time (produces bulk of the blood in adults) to recuperate and replenish the Red Blood Cells so you don't get anemic and request for your own blood

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