Bad hair day.//.the Midnight Mischief

In every family, there is always a black sheep and they are usually the second born and I don't know why. My bro, the second born, is the black sheep of the family. He does things differently and he hates when my parents try to control him.
There was a time when a particular haircut was in vogue. The hair is called “afro” Here is a picture below.


So, my brother loves this haircut but my mum despises it. My parents already talked to him and scolded him about his haircut but he wouldn't listen. As the big boy he was then and one of the hot boys in school, he wouldn't want to disgrace himself by cutting stupid hair right?
my mum carrying out her evil plan
One faithful Friday at midnight, my mum decided in her spirit to cut my bro's hair. As we all know the best time to carry out an evil plan is in the night.
Although she said it jokingly on Friday evening.
So, my mum had that plan in mind, went to my bro's room like the thief in the night and cut his hair. The fact that my mum cut hair in the center of the head and he won't be able to see it in the mirror.

Back then my brother had the habit of leaving the house early in the morning. He can either go for a morning walk, go see his friends, or play football.
The next morning my brother went out as usual but after about 30 minutes he was back. I was a little bit surprised because he usually spends 2-3 hours outside.

But something was different, he was coming with a full dose of anger. “What could go wrong” I thought. He furiously shouted, “Mum why did you cut my hair!!!!!!”
That's when I knew what happening. Finally, my mum has achieved her evil plan. Omg, I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to laugh in front of him.
I decided to go back to what I was doing because my mum and my brother's issue was like watching an unending series of movies from one chapter to another and I'm tired of interfering.

As I was about to leave. Heard my name. “What have I done this time” I murmured as I turned to my angry-looking brother. “why can you tell me?!” he paused “All my friends were laughing at me and it is not funny!”
I felt a little bit sorry for him. “I didn't know, I'm sorry”
“What mum did, is it right? “ he started complaining
I try to console him and hide my laughter at the same time, while my mum was pretending to be remorseful smiling and apologizing like she didn't know the gravity of what she had done and my bro on the other hand was fuming.
my angry bro
The fact that the part of the hair my mom cut was really low and he was forced to cut his hair very low. After cutting his hair, he refused to talk to my mum for almost a week and my mum didn't stop bribing him to forgive her.

I hope you enjoy reading.
Thank you for visiting my blog and have a fabulous week 💕

The Image used is sourced and the gifs are sponsored by Tenor

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