Things that happen dragicomedy of love [En - Es]



Laughter is good for the soul and health. It can lift your spirit during a bad day cheer you up after a long day or simply make you feel better. "#Comedyopenmic"I loved this

One day I was at home and I received a call from my boyfriend to tell me that he was coming that afternoon with his parents to visit us. We used to have him come to my house with his parents from time to time, and I would also visit him with my mom and grandmother.

The problem is that my boyfriend didn't give me enough time to get ready, to cook something to welcome him and of course to let my family know that they were coming to visit us.

I had to run, clean the house, prepare with my grandmother something to give them something to eat to entertain them.

To top it off, she had told me that they would arrive at 6pm, and it turned out that they arrived at 5pm, when the doorbell rang I jumped with fright, I was startled because I knew it was them and it was not the agreed time, I was just taking a bath, I had just finished cleaning.

I almost had a heart attack, I don't even remember if I took the soap off my body, I ran to get dressed. My grandmother opened the door for them, and it was her turn to attend to them while I finished getting ready, in fact, what we were preparing was still cooking.

I managed to get dressed as quickly as possible, and went out to meet them, I greeted my boyfriend's parents, and then I greeted him, I was very scared, it was the second time they came, and we had already started badly because they had to wait for me to finish bathing and dressing.

After a few minutes of talking, I offered them some cookies, and asked them if they wanted black coffee or coffee with milk, each one said how they wanted it and I went to the kitchen to prepare it to go with the cookies.

After finishing the coffee I asked each one how much sugar they wanted, each one told me, but this is where the disaster started, because of my nerves I didn't notice that instead of taking the sugar, I took the salt container, they were the same, the only difference was that one said salt and the other sugar, but unfortunately, my nerves betrayed me and I didn't read before I wanted to sweeten.

Thinking that I was eating it, ha, ha, ha, ha, that the coffee was good, I went to the living room with my little tray and the little cups with coffee.

We all ate the cookies, and suddenly everyone started to drink their coffee, I noticed that there was a sudden silence, I did not understand why, then I gladly started to drink my coffee, I loved coffee with sweet milk, not low in sugar, but as I told you it was not sugar but salt, when I drank the first sip, my mouth could not stand that bad taste and unintentionally made me want to vomit and as an involuntary reaction I spit out the coffee sip, but the worst and most terrible thing of all is that when I spit out the coffee I threw it in my boyfriend's mother's face, she only reacted, very scared, getting up, shaking and cleaning herself, I was petrified on the spot, I could not even speak or move, my boyfriend looked at me as if telling me: "Do something", but my nerves betrayed me so much that I was not paralyzed, motionless, I do not remember much, I think my mind blocked that bad moment, I only remember the silence, the shame, of course after a while I reacted, I helped him to clean himself, I asked for a thousand apologies, I was almost crying of shame, what I wanted most was to disappear, to vanish, to vanish, that the earth swallowed me, but Mrs. Maria told me: "Calm down daughter, calm down, these are things that happen, after a while they left, they did not even wait for the food, what a painful and unpleasant moment, thank goodness we did not get married, it was no longer my mother-in-law, I would have to carry that shame for life, ha, ha, ha, ha, now it is only an anecdote that serves me to laugh, I de-stress myself from laughing so much.

NOTE: Try before giving others to eat or drink something we prepare, ha, ha, ha, ha, you will avoid many bad surprises or accidents

When searching for the main image, I got a cactus called mother-in-law chair. Whoever can explain that to me; I would appreciate it jhajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Thanks to pixabay free images. Dividerssource. Translator used DeepL


"La risa es buena para el alma y la salud. Puede levantar tu espíritu durante un mal día, animarte después de un largo día o simplemente hacerte sentir mejor". #comedyopenmic. Esto me encantó.

Un día estaba yo en casa y recibí la llamada de mi novio para decirme que vendría esa tarde con sus padres a visitarnos. Acostumbrábamos que de vez en cuando él venía a mi casa con sus padres, y también yo lo visitaba con mi mamá y mi abuela.

El problema es que mi novio no me avisó con tiempo para yo prepararme, poder cocinar algo para recibirle y por supuesto poder avisar a mi familia que vendrían a visitarnos.

Me tocó correr, limpiar la casa, ponerme a preparar con mi abuela algo para darles de comer para agasajarlos.

Para rematar me había dicho que llegarían a las 6pm, y resulta que llegaron a las 5pm, cuando sonó el timbre pegué un brinco de susto, me sobresalté porque sabía que eran ellos y no era la hora acordada, yo apenas me estaba bañando, acababa de terminar de limpiar.

Casi me daba un soponcio, ni recuerdo si me saqué el jabón del cuerpo, corrí a vestirme. Mi abuela les abrió la puerta, y le tocó atenderlos a ella mientras yo terminaba de alistarme, de hecho, lo que estábamos preparando todavía se estaba cocinando.

Logré vestirme lo más rápido posible, y salí al encuentro de ellos, saludé a los padres de mi novio, y luego lo saludé de él, yo estaba muy asustada, era la segunda vez que venían, y ya habíamos empezado mal porque tuvieron que esperarme que terminara de bañarme y vestirme.

Después de unos minutos que teníamos conversando, les ofrecí unas galleticas, y les pregunté quería café negro o con leche, cada uno dijo como lo quería y me dirigí a la cocina a prepararlo para que acompañaran con las galleticas.

Después de terminar el café le pregunté a cada uno cuanto deseaban de azúcar, cada uno me dijo, pero es aquí donde empezó el desastre, de los nervios no me fijé que en vez de agarrar la azúcar, tomé el envase de la sal, eran iguales solo los diferenciaba que uno decía sal y el otro azúcar, pero lamentablemente, mis nervios me traicionaron y no leí antes de querer endulzar.

Yo pensando que me la estaba comiendo, ja, ja, ja, que el café me había quedado bueno, me dirijo a la sala con mi bandejita y las tacitas con café.

Todos comimos las galleticas, y de repente cada uno comenzó a beberse su café, yo noto que ocurre un silencio de repente, no comprendí por qué, entonces me dispongo con agrado a tomarme mi café, me encantaba café con leche dulcito, no bajo en azúcar, pero como ya les comenté no era azúcar sino sal, cuando bebí el primer trago, mi boca no aguantó ese mal sabor y sin querer me dio ganas de vomitar y como reacción involuntaria escupir el trago de café, soltando la taza y derramándola en el piso, pero lo peor de todo y más terrible es que cuando escupí el trago de café se lo lancé en la cara a la mamá de mi novio, ella solo reaccionó, muy asustada, levantándose, sacudiéndose y limpiándose, yo quedé petrificada en el sitio, no podía ni hablar ni moverme, mi novio me miraba como diciéndome: “Haz algo”, pero mis nervios me traicionaron tanto que no estaba paralizada, inmóvil, no recuerdo mucho, creo que mi mente bloqueó ese mal momento, solo recuerdo el silencio, la vergüenza, por supuesto al rato reaccioné, le ayudé a limpiarse, pedí mil disculpa, yo casi lloraba de la vergüenza, lo que más deseaba era desaparecer, esfumarme, que la tierra me tragara, pero la sra María me decía: “Tranquila hija, cálmese, son cosas que pasan, al rato se fueron, ni esperaron la comida, que momento tan pero tan penoso y desagradable, menos mal que no llegamos a casarnos, no fue más mi suegra, tendría que cargar con esa vergüenza para toda la vida, ja, ja, ja, ahora es solo una anécdota que me sirve para reírme, me desestreso de tanto reírme.

NOTA: Probar antes de darle a otros a comer o beber algo que preparemos, ja, ja, ja, evitarás muchas malas sorpresas o accidentes.

Al buscar la imagen principal, me salió un cactus llamado silla de suegra. El que me pueda explicar eso; lo agradecería jhajahajahajaj. Agradecida a imágenes gratuitas pixabay. Separadoresfuente Traductor utilizado DeepL.

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