What's wrong with the calling bell?

Since last two days, the calling Bell of my house was not working. The calling Bell gave us service at least for 4 years. The price of a calling bell is not so high but my mother told me to check what happened to it and find out the fault of the bell. Monday will be my another exam and because of it I didn't take it seriously and decided to check it after Monday.

I was preparing for my upcoming exam in my room and I noticed my father and little brother were serious about the bell. They decided to find out the problem and determined for it. Their seriousness and determination caught my attention and I also joined them to check what was going on. The outer layer of the bell was dirty because of too much dust and the first thing they did was clear the dust particles. Clearing the dust particles of the surface layer my father removed the screws and uncovered the main system of the bell. My bell was on my father's hand and he was shocked to see two lizards there and the bell fell from my father's hand to on the table. The height was very little and for that the damage was minimal but that thing made everyone laugh.

Both my father and little brother were trying to give a look like they had a good understanding about it and they were trying to find the problem with the bell but I knew it very well that they understood nothing about it. They were giving just an expression like an expert which made me smile. From there I took control from them and the first thing I did was to manually check if the Bell was working or not by connecting the wire with electricity. I became happy to see that it was working perfectly. So, I took a tester and checked both wires connected with the bell wires and figured out that no wires had any electricity. I thought there might be some problem will the switch of calling bell and I tried to check it but I wasn't able to open the switch.

So-called 3 experts ( me, my little brother & father) came to the decision there might be a fault between the wire and switch and the bell was working perfectly. All of us failed to find a solution and thought to bring an electrician to fix it. All of a sudden my mother said to check the circuit breaker. Hearing the thing from my mother I realized that we should have checked it at the beginning time because several times specific switches turn off automatically for some kind of short circuit or abnormal electricity flow. I just checked the circuit breaker and saw that one switch was down means off. So immediately I turned it on and connected the calling Bell with electricity and it was working. The funny thing was that we were doing everything from the reverse and doing the right thing at the end. If we checked the circuit breaker from the beginning, it should have saved a lot of effort and time of us. My mother started demanding her as an expert but she didn't say anything about the circuit breaker when we were checking other things. A little funny clash occurred between us.

The picture used here is mine

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