My Yesterday.


Three services were scheduled for to attend yesterday:

  • The normal worship service at my local parish
  • A valendictory service at the Zonal Headquarters and
  • Praise Festival 2023 at the Provincial Headquarters.

In all these three services, I was expected to minister in songs in the choir and as expected by every minister or worker in my çhurch, you're to Benin church on or before 7:00am. I didn't just go LATE but I went EXTRA LATE.

My alarm rang by 4:00 a.m., and I was too tired to leave my bed via the stress of the day before. I decided to snooze the alarm for 30 minutes so I'll be able to regain my strength. (Thinking of it now, not like I was very tired but I was just being lazy).


I heard my alarm rung again, turning to stop the vibrating phone, I saw the time was 6 am instead. The sudden flow is energy is what I can't cause that wasn't what I expected and I had some things to do before leaving for church. I just had to wake my junior siblings and off we started the rush preparation for church.
(Don't worry about the morning prayer, I didn't pray. 'Staying to pray was another waste of time' I thought. So I just said the Lord's prayer amidst the rush of preparation. I believe God will forgive me if it's wrong).

I got to church by 8:30 a.m., Sunday was on, all eyes on me, I had to wear this sick-like face to wade off any question from anyone as to why I was that late.
What a day it was, I have to expect any punishment now from the choir coordinator, God help me.😂😂

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