I Never Knew It Will End Like This // Dating Chronicles

I Never Knew It Will End Like This.


Nothing makes a man foolish like love, once he gets that lady that seem to capture his heart just forget it, that broh is gone.

Literally all men are dumb when they fall in love except me though. I have been hearing stories about relationships right from high school. I have always imagine love to be a sweet thing but when a friend of mine climb the tree of love and mistakenly slipped and fell, breaking his heart and brain I decided to learn a big lesson.

You won't believe me if I tell you it only took the mercies of God for him to survive, it took that guy sixty days to wake from coma and though he is fine now, but he has mental problem.

For that reason I became very scared of love, I started running from ladies, each time I see one I apply the wisdom of temple run, I sealed my heart with padlock, thorns and the rest and I was doing just so fine.

Until a lady moved into our neighborhood, damn that girl is like sunrise, those period i stayed away from ladies made me dull in approaching them, so I began watching Bollywood and few love movies so I could get some vibes.

It all worked out well because I got a yes when I approached her. Kudus to Bollywood, your charm was very effective. That night my heart was just tickling me, if I see her name on my contacts I smile. Chatting her up always feels like being in heaven. You know that feeling stop pretending, no one is watching you.

There was a day I almost got knocked down by a car, while chatting her, I was scared for the moment but when everything was over, I got back to my love mood. Anything for love broh.

Within a short period of time, I knew all the sweet names to call a lady, people would be online chasing money, guess what I was always doing? Chasing love stories and movies.. I just wanted to keep this sunrise.

She really loved it and calls me crazy boo, each times she says that stuff, I feel like a pilot in the sky, riding an expensive private jet, Shinning my thirty two. But don't forget, is the word crazy not related to insanity? Well, who cares? I never gave it a second thought, but if it were a fellow man that called me crazy, I wonder where we would have ended the matter.

Now you know why they said love is blind right? Beloved if you want to keep a correct sight stay away from love, but if you insist you must love, please take your glasses with you, you would have me to thank later.

After few months of intense love and research over research, I finally stumbled on what most people call the love test or check attribute, honestly it was never my intention to posses that character but it fell on me by itself. Ouch!! Guess you want to know that attribute right? Well, its something people who got insane through love posses a lot.

When I went to an expert for diagnosis, he said the name is jealousy, a chronic love disease that has the ability to either destroy a relationship or build it. Being a research kind of a guy, I discovered that without jealousy love doesn't exist so, built mine.

All of a sudden, I just developed a feeling that someone is chasing after my woman, so I started spying on her both online and physically. I follow her post back to back and read every comment there. When I see any sweet comment, I will jote it down.

I continued doing this and my thoughts began going wild, every single day I am having this feeling that she is already seeing another man, so I caught another love disease called insecurity. At this point, when she's with me, I often ask for her phone act like I want to play game, when her attention moves from me..

I take permission to pee, then go and stay in the rest room checking her chat. I just knew within me that something was wrong. One day when I collected her phone and cross checked her chats, I discovered she has been chatting this new guy, I would call man , because he is very matured.

When I read their chat, I cried my eyes out but didn't allow her notice I cried when I came out, guess you want to know what made me cry? Well, you are my own, I won't hide it from you. I saw that man calling my sunrise sweet heart. My day got ruined, I felt so disappointed but I had plans.

The man promised to take her on a date when he returns the following day, so I made arrangements too. I disguised myself and followed them. When the man arrived. She ran and hugged him and he pecked her on the forehead .

It is finished I said, I didn't allow them finish their nonsense, I jumped into the scene and I even discovered the shirt he was wearing was mine, it's the polo T-shirt she took from my room. Are you kidding me ? the first thing I did was ask him to give me my shirt. He asked me to calm down because he was confused but I wouldn't listen.

My girlfriend tried to get my attention to listen to her but I heeded not until she gave me a hot slap and said he is my Dad. Ha!! She added he just returned home from special duty( special assignment assigned to Mobile police).

Guys I went speechless instantly, I could see the anger on the man's face I wanted to greet him but the looks on his face has shown that if I try shit, hmmm!! so I composed. I tried smiling at hmm but he did as if he wanted to make a call.

No one adviced me to run, i knew he was going to call the police on me. When I got home, I got a text from my sunrise, she said it is over between us. I wept all night but nothing changed. I called her sweet name and all I got was insults. I should have just kept my mind in one place and not started this love thing.

I fell sick, few days after, the doctor said, I was suffering from a chronic love disease called heart break, Only some dose of weeping and solace from those I care about could heal me. So bad, I went through all that for not trusting her. I have wish I could turn the hands of time.

This post is a submission to the comedy Open mic ft Paritae.com "Dating Chronicles" Hive Blogging Competition! You can check it out here

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