Dating Chronicles Entry - Paritae Comtest

Hey guys, I read about the Piratae Comtest a few days ago and have been planning to make an entry but couldn’t because I planned to do it in video form and didn’t find the time due to some busy offline activities with work.

Also, after finally bringing myself to record the video, then came the shy. I’ve been skeptical about posting it because I’m not used to talking about stuff like this here. For the fun of it, I’m going ahead to post this:)

Th experience I talk about in this video goes way back to my Senior High School days. This was like 5 years ago or something.

I was basically a rookie to the whole dating thing and I didn’t have any game or rizz then. Lol maybe I still don’t, but I guarantee that I’m a lot better than I was then.

Anyways, because of my lack of experience, my first attempt to talk to a girl in hopes for something that led to a relationship, I said some very silly stuff, ended up getting bounced and found out later that the girl who advised my “crush” to bounce me actually wanted me for herself…

Watch the video to unvail the details:)

This post is a submission to the Paritae blogging competition “Dating Chronicles“. If you haven’t joined the comtest yet, check the linked posts for more details and join the fun:)

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