The Comedy Open Mic Weekly Showcase


This is our weekly showcase where we highlight posts in this community shared here in the last seven days. These are the posts that have impressed us at COM the most.

Now, let's get into this week's showcase.


@diebitch - Top 7 signs the recession is upon us

@diebitch took us on an emotional roller coastal with the hard truth of our world today, we're faced with what we all hope not to be part of anymore.

We want things to get better but somehow we prefer living it worse than better... Maybe our optimism is long over due, a little pessimism wouldn't hurt and that's if we're not bitten by it already.

History will repeat itself, and some of us will be lucky to be a part of two recessions. Fun!

Maybe you should read that again! And go check out how that is happening already. But who else notice the level of pessimism in this author's writing? It's scary!



@writermaximus - WHY IS THE SUN ANGRY

A heartfelt rant about one of the most gorgeous creation. He wouldn't know when he made the sun angry but kept complaining about how easy the sun is going on him. Imagine the sun really gets angry!

The world would burn! Well, be thankful it isn't so angry just yet.

Now, I don't know if it's everywhere, but where I am which is Nigeria, it's so hot here that you could put raw egg in your mouth and by the time you swallow it, it would've been an omelette!

Do not dare imagine the skin of the humans under such heat from the sun! You might get burned with just your imaginations.



@omosefe - Men And Their Cheesy Pick-Up Lines(Part 1)

These lines are nothing new to me as a Nigerian. In fact, if you're not Nigerian, some of these lines should be familiar.
You see, Nigerian men are very good with words, and that’s how they turn our heads upside down.

Mostly Nigerian women note to men and their cheesy (I mean, women magnet) lines to woo them. She gave a list of cool lines and I think smart guys who didn't know about them should use this opportunity.

It is almost certain that a guy with one of the lines listed there could win @omosefe heart, she seem to have heard them a lot but still fall for them... No offence, "almost" I added.



@cheeamaka - CUT FROM SAME CLOTH

In truth, I had not intended for what came next to pass through my lips. I thought I was murmuring, "I should have listened to granny when she told me you are a dullard who only knows how to chase and shoot rats and lizards. Instead of you to admit that we're cut from the same cloth and you're just as dull as me, you're busy forming eye pain." Please, don't ask me what happened after that because, it still remains a blur.

Daughter and father appreciating their unique brains, I mean dull brains. Even I think the cloth they are cut from is a dull coloured one.

Maybe the case would have been different if the mother had given it more thought before she married the father... There's a reason for marrying the smart and intelligent ones you know.



@oldsoulnewb - A Roast of a Post

It's a roast post ladies and gents, and this time, rather than looking inward, I'm looking around the room.
Do I need to do a disclaimer first? Who cares, I like anything that absolves me of responsibility, so you're getting one

The community could make do with some roasting of this much to get some ass kicked especially to the Nigerians who get it easy to make people laugh unlike @oldsoulnewb who only gets one to laugh by being sarcastic.

His effort to roast and get more people to therapists is acknowledged but I'm not sure if any learnt their lessons because he would have to roast again and very soon.



These are this week's showcase posts. They are funny, well-written, and outright amazing. Make sure to check them out.

Remember, @captaincryptic invites you all to use the [HIVE-155986] tag in your posts to earn yourself some @lolztoken.

Thank you for reading

Remember to comment the links to your posts in our COMmunity below.

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