TP to the moon

🎶It's all about the money money...🎶

Follow the money and it will lead you to a treasure.

Apparently, toilet paper is the new gold again. After rapeseed and sunflower oil have not been available for weeks, yes I live in Germany, my neighbor told me that toilet paper is now also affected.

I made a small inventory of my stock and realized with horror that this amounted to amazing 5 rolls. Five rolls equal a couple weeks usage if Joy isn't in throw up mode. The situation reminded me of Corona in the early days, dammit, I was the only one who ran out of toilet paper during that time.

Now the horror scenario again! Empty shelves!

What to do, what to do?

Not only will I run out of supplies in the near future, if I want to buy toilet paper I either have to get up extremely early and storm the shops with the crowds, or I wait and get nothing.

Thinking thinking thinking...I guess I will try my luck later.

Besides a shortage I face the danger of going broke purchasing the gold of civilization. Inflation is kicking ass juuust a little bit. Really, seven plus percent in March? Hurts only like a scorpion sting.

So I wonder what I will have to pay if I get some. Like a trillionbillionmillion €?

What is the fascination with this buttocks pampering paper? People jump on it like there is no tomorrow. I mean I get it. You wanna pamper your butt. Fluffy paper promising that you don't grind your ass off. A natural structure, there are leaves on it, promises infinite cleaning. Mankind's greatest invention. World changing. Toilet paper.

Stock it, it's fine. But for god's sake leave some for those who don't fear that running out of toilet paper would be the main issue when it comes to a real emergency. There are people stocking for years it seems. I need to figure out the benefits if one owns a ton of toilet paper.

Today I will hit the supermarket. I expect empty shelves and inflation greeting friendly while the miracle sliding doors open to a place where you can buy not everything anymore.

Great times we live in but I'm prepared. My money is worth some shit-rolls!

Hey funny thought, what about a TP token? Toilet paper is the new gold remember 😂

These incredible images with the complementing text were created by @bulldog-joy.

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