Disbelief that Blockchain that Promotes Staking so the User can give More Money to Other Strangers Is Not Working Out.

Here’s a 10c upvote.png

There was shock horror in the Hive blockchain this week as the Hive token fell to just 18 cent and down to 344th on the coinmarketcap crypto rankings which left many scratching their heads around the future of Hive. Granted the pesky Germanys decided to dump a load of Bitcoin on the market because there is still an element of deviousness with them but still, everyone fell but Hive fell more. With all the projects on going in Hive at this time Hive users were amazed that their token had fallen off a cliff as it was 40 cent a month ago which was still low enough. However they were still eager to point out that those bastards over at Steem were 389th on the list.

One upstart pointed out that maybe Hive is fundamentally flawed the whole motivation to stake your Hive is a bit weak if anything. The ROI on Hive power is not great if one does not curate but the dick extension does help and nobody minds the Yes sir , No sir three bags full sir comments from lackies that love an upvote back on their "Tour around Lagos" post.

"So the basic premise of Hive power is that the more you stake then the more your upvote is worth".

"So unless you give yourself a little upvote pat on the back vote for a job well done then barring the small interest rate , all Hive power does is give strangers a bigger upvote."

"For all I know I could be giving @sexyann a 100% upvote and Ann could be a bearded buffoon in Russia eating dinner off his hairy chest."

So 1000 HP gives you a 10 x tuppance upvote. Things get scary at 5000 HP when the upvote is around 10c. However the goal is to get over the 5000HP so you can give yourself a new fish name which is I have to say a motivation. Dolphins have a better ring to it than minnow so on this alone a Hive user should strive to get to 5000HP, Dolphin to Orca is not so much of an upgrade. Dolphins have more fun so many stop at dolphin for this reason alone. All Orcas do is nock little baby seals off small icebergs for fun which is an outrage. Everybody is jealous of whales so it is not that good to be one of them so many people just stop at Dolphin.

So if you stake say 100,000 HP your upvote is $1.10 which is quite good actually and this is where you start getting recognised. The size of your balls grows exponentially. Now people are giving you many tuppances upvotes to feed off your curation. It is clear that the normys have not read your post with the generic comments.

The real secret to success on Hive is to persuade people to give you money for not doing anything. It is like unveiling a secret fight code. The DHF fund gave out HBD to many accounts in May (I have yet to do Junes) One account had a mere 900 measly HP in their wallet but they managed to secure 160,000 in Hive. Now I shall clap my hands at this as it is an absolute steal. Well done to that user. However the more the token dips then the more outrage there will be about a bloke contributing so little to "securing the blockchain" but is "securing" as much as 30% of the total DHF funding. So people it is not a necessity to have Hive power to be successful on the blockchain. Buy a bit of GYM equipment and slap a Hive sticker on it and you can live off the funding. Most better than reading about Jenny's relationship difficulties or somebodies new crow.

But I keep hearing there a many projects in the pipeline.
Are there though ? Can you name many of them? There's that chess/ poker / Greek god / Mario kart / Sonic the Hedgehog led by god himself that we were chatting about 3 years ago. Threespeak is buggy. Splinterlands which is a genius game but is even having a hard time keeping the doors open, Genesis League is a ghost town. Leofinance is trying hard but Twitter is just better so we are back to the "Walk in the Park " posts that would send anyone to sleep.

Now one could say that at Hivefest which is the annual meetup for the Hive Community then people will not be strangers anymore , they will become friends and they will start giving their upvote to their new acquaintances but the percentage of the Hive blockchain that can afford tickets and hotel stays is minimal so it does not represent the masses so we are back to the tuppance upvote.

So we are a sinking ship eveybody. We need a leader. Decentalisation though , we are all leaders. The people with the most stake has to be our proper leaders right? They led us here like Moses in the first place. Across the narrow hard fork into Pleasantville where the Steem villain's were no more. So whats the plan to get out of this mess or are we gonna fade into obscurity like Weku, Scorum and Whaleshares ?

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