This Is Not A Post, It's A Child's Tantrum


To say that I am pissed at this week and how it went is an understatement. I am royally pissed as royally pissed as a black Republican in America. As royally pissed as purple-haired feminist watching the heteronormative patriarchy in action in the shape of a man opening the car door for his wife.

I live currently in Iraq, if you didn't know. If you still don't know after this post then thanks for the "LOL, this is so funny" comment that you left blindly without reading just to be nice, I appreciate that too.

Anyway, since the beginning of this year, I have been trying to kickstart a hologram show in Iraq. There was a governmental grant for projects, I applied to it. Mine was an event in a theatre and a documentary, the whole thing would cost 200K with at least 255K return without counting sponsors. The winners of that grant opened a Shisha shop with the money, RIGHT IN BETWEEN THREE SHISHA SHOPS!

Envy aside, I am happy for this guy's dream coming true before he closes the shop in 5 months due to bankruptcy because, again, IT IS RIGHT IN BETWEEN THREE SHISHA SHOPS! So being the go-getter I am, I decided to make it happen myself.

I wrote an entire proposal pointing out the monetary value and cultural value as well, since this show will be held in Mosul after they recently got rid of ISIS there. Wanna guess what was the first thing said by people I asked to invest? No, you can't because it is "Can't you do this yourself?", I am sorry, WHAT?!


Why would I contact you if I could?! Just to brag? "Oh hey, I just begged and pleaded to make this meeting just so I could tell you I don't need you and I will do this on my own, bitch". I know bitch is a strong word, but for me it isn't strong enough. I also need to save up the word "cunt" for another part of this post.

Anyway, I finally meet up with some people looking to invest but they asked me to prove that I can do it. I figured, okay. I went back to my proposal and contacted everyone who will be in charge of each part of the show and documentary just to get a statement that they will get it done.

But, no, that didn't work out because apparently by "prove" they meant I needed to film the hologram, make it, buy the device to show it, rent the stage, and show the number of tickets bought! I am not kidding! I spent 50$ to make those trips and they all said that. Like, why would I need you after doing all of that? Who asks strangers for money for stuff they already purchased?

Anyway, it all accumulated to last night when I got a message on my WhatsApp for a meeting this morning about my show. I went to the meeting and I found this woman surrounded by two men in suits. I figured she is a serious investor, but turned out she is actually trying to prevent me from doing my project because she has, and I quote, "copyrights on holograms in Iraq"

She was seriously trying to claim copyrights over holograms in the entire country. You might think she has a good reason like being the first one to do it here, nope. Maybe she did an exceptional hologram show? Nope, she just has one scheduled on the 17th of March. That's her claim for the copyrights, that CUNT!

Her show is going to play on a stage in a theme park. The subject of her show is two singers who used to sing in the 1940s. What demographic is she even going for here? Nostalgic 13 year-olds? 90 year-olds who love the slides? At best, her only reasonable demographic is people like John Herbert, the old pedophile in Family Guy.

Her argument is that since was the first to do, which again, she's not. But I guess she makes sense since we haven't seen a new movie since Roundhay Garden Scene, a movie that was filmed in 1888, oh wait, we fucking have!

Anyway, I am just sitting here in my room contemplating suicide with the only thing preventing me is whether 13 Reasons Why have claimed copyrights over that! I don't want some produces embarrassing me in front of my dead relatives for the money I owe them.

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