Writing an essay on the day I never forget

There was a time in school when our English teacher asks my class to write about the day I will never forget. It was a class exercise that you have to submit back in next 30min, and everyone must read it in front of the class. So you have to be careful of what you are going to write down in that short time.

Immediately the teacher drop the question I started thinking of what to write, how to cook the story so it will sound good in hearing while reading to the class. It was a big challenge for me because I don't know how to write an essay, my grammatical error is much worst than Chinese letter. However I keep wondering how am I going to write it perfectly to avoid shame in the class especially those girls I always pride in the classroom.

Am still thinking of what to write before one scene that happened longtime ago came into my head. You know how it will be so easy to write about something that you witness. It will be so fluent to write such scenario, so I was happy atleast I have something to write about, but just remain how to construct them in English lol.

It's just a story of a fuel tanker that get exploded in the middle of the night, but no one knows it was tanker the way the fire is burning high, everyone thought it was fuel station. At that midnight everyone start rushing carry their belongings even we that our house is far to the where the fire is flaming, we thought it was beside our house. I can't remember how many people runaway from their home that night.

The news get to everywhere that same night that the whole areas is burning meanwhile it's just tanker that is burning.

So, that is the story I want to write in my essay,but my start was very poor. I started with one funny statement that one local man said that night when everyone thought the fire is coming out directional. The man said;
"Shaaii ona agbara leleyi nbabooo," which means the fire is coming through the flood paths. That statement really funny to everyone that how come fire will be coming through flood paths when it's not volcano or flood itself. The funniest part of it, as he's saying ona agbara, so he's dancing sadly like masquerade.

Infact, that middle of the night, the local man carry his bag on head saying he's going to the bush before the fire come to him not knowing the fire is more far to us but because it was middle of the night the tanker was burning with high flame that you won't imagine it's not near, even me thought it was closer and we have to run for our life. Not even us, I saw many people carry their load, and children enter bush because they don't want to die. Honestly no one want to die despite the hardship lol. Even one woman carry her cripple husband in a big bowl and carry the bowl on her head because they don't want to die.


Instead of the story above, this is what I wrote as my essay;

The day I will never forget, fire burning, I run and run and run and tired. But later the fire is not following me, it's just one man that deceived us the fire is coming through flood paths. The man that deceived us sleep in the bush and later the fire go back it doesn't come again because I don't see anything like fire coming. The reason I don't forget is because I run naked in the midnight and my girlfriend friend saw my something under trouser.

I wrote that in the essay and I was told to read it out, which serve as a big shame for me in the class. I wrote it short because the teacher said 250 words and when I count the essay I see I constructed exactly 255 words. "The" is 3 sentence, that is how I count my own. Every alphabet count as one

Imagine if I wrote " I run and run and run" it's 16 words on my own side. I was even thinking why the teacher didn't allow us to write 10,000 words because I have much to say.

Thanks for Stopping Have a Wonderful Day

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