This is my third day in the blogging challenge exercise and it's titled "My favorite quote".

There are so many favorite quotes of mine that I love to put into practice. Since this challenge says "your favorite quote", I will go for this
"Be careful how you treat people. What you do to others has a funny way of coming back to you".
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I would say I have always loved this quote right from time and even put it into practice. I believe human beings are like water, and they say "water flows". Human beings meet each other coincidentally somewhere and you would be amazed at how come it happened. Someone like me, I have always learn to treat people kindly, not because of what I am wanting from them now, but the future.

I have this act of being nice to everyone that comes my way. I smile and respond to them in a pleasant way. Unlike others who shun and look down on people just because of who they are today. Who told you such person can't make it in life? God created everyone and love us equally, we also should extend our love to every creatures irrespective of who and what they have or not.

I have stayed in my hostel for two years, and just last week, someone made me pissed off, and this I have always warned and tried taking my eyes off it. But when I couldn't take it any longer, I voiced out in anger. Every hostel mates rushed out and was like "Someone had done something to her, she has never insulted or get angry before".

They started begging me and that ends it. It would take a long while for me to talk, I don't like exchanging words with anyone except I want to and I end it immediately and we become friends again. I have learned to treat people with kindness because I don't know where I would meet them.

I may not need their help, but someone through me might need their help, how will it feel if I had issues with them and we eventually meet somewhere, such help won't be granted.

We are all human and we are bound to make mistakes, learn to forgive easily and never hold onto grudges. You can never tell what will happen later on. Stop acting weird and unkind to people. Learn to caution your words in the midst of people. You don't know who they are.

Thanks for reading
© Princessbusayo ✔️✔️✔️

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