BC Part 1 Day 7: What's your usual diet like? [ENG|ESP]

day 7_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

My diet isn't as healthy as it's supposed to be.

Mi dieta no es tan saludable como debería ser.

I don't like cooking, I've never been interested in doing it so I only know how to cook simple things. Due to that I always eat at restaurants or order food or buy fast food nearby home.


Even before this long year of quarantine and home office I used to order food on a regular basis, I live alone so I'd rather buy things that are ready to eat than buy ingredients to have on the fridge so usually my fridge only has juice, eggs and beers, if you come to my home don't expect to find a full fridge.

Around the corner of where I live there is an avenue full of places that sell food, from home made to fast food so I usually buy meat, burgers, "gorditas" which are so common in Mexico, and tacos, at least twice a week I go eat tacos for breakfast, and considering there are a lot of kinds of tacos it never feels repetitive.

But among all those kind of tacos don't expect to find the hard shell ones, those aren't real tacos, at least not for a mexican, in fact you won't find any Taco Bell in any city in Mexico, those kind of hard shell tacos aren't appealing for us.

No me gusta cocinar, nunca me ha interesado hacerlo así que solo se cocinar cosas simples. Debido a eso siempre como en restaurantes o pido a domicilio o compro comida rápida.

Aún antes de esta larga cuarentena y trabajo en casa solía pedir a domicilio seguido, vivo sola así que prefiero comprar cosas que están listas para comer que comprar ingredientes para tener en el refri, es normal que mi refri solo tenga jugo, huevos y cervezas, si vienen a mi casa no esperen encontrar una nevera llena.


A la vuelta de donde vivo hay una avenida llena de lugares que venden comida, desde casera a rápida, suelo comprar mucho carne, hamburguesas, gorditas y tacos, al menos dos veces por semana voy a desayunar tacos, y considerando que hay varios tipos de tacos nunca se siente repetitivo.

Pero entre todos esos tipos de tacos no esperen encontrar los de tortilla dura, esos no son tacos reales, al menos no para los mexicanos, de hecho no encontrarán ningún Taco Bell en ninguna ciudad de México, ese tipo de tacos no nos llaman la atención.

Basically my usual diet are tacos and tortas, I simply love them... and speaking of "tortas" I know that in some other countries they call cakes "tortas" and everytime someone tells me they are baking a "torta de chocolate" (chocolate cake) I find it weird because my brain thinks of tortas as salty food.

Basicamente mi dieta usual son tacos y tortas, simplemente los amo... y hablando de tortas, sé que en algunos países le dicen a los pasteles tortas, y cada que alguien me dice que están horneando una torta de chocolate se me hace raro porque mi cerebro piensa en tortas como comida salada.

These are real tacos, not those with lettuce, cheese, a lot of meat, vegetables and who knows what else.

And this is what I call a torta, nothing in common with a cake except for the name.

Until Next time
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