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Are You Optimist Or Pessimist?


I thought about how I would answer this question. Can I say I am a little of both? I believe it's possible to be an optimist and also a pessimist, depending on the circumstances. Usually, one side will weigh more than the other.

Optimism and pessimism are personality traits. An optimist is a person who is always hopeful and has a positive outlook on life while a pessimist is a direct opposite, a person who has a general expectation that bad things will happen. Ugh, I think the latter is a sad state to be in but we have all been here.


Some individuals are more pessimistic than optimistic. They tend to see negative things around. When you present them with ideas, they are quick to see the holes in the ideas and how they can fail. This can be depressing and discouraging especially where an optimist is involved.


One thing I have learned is that there are good sides to everything in life. Having a pessimist around is okay in the sense that they help to avoid pitfalls or failures that may arise in a situation because they see them faster than an optimist would.

Being optimistic - seeing positive things around, being hopeful and having good expectations - is the best way to live! Also, it's good for your health. You see a positive-minded person, know he or she is healthy.


These personality traits go deep down to our spirit. A person who is excited, hopeful will have a vigorous, healthy body. His/her organs will stay active. But a pessimist will mostly be in a sour mood, sad, and think negative all the time. In no time, these will weigh on his/her spirit and the health will deteriorate.

This is the reason we are encouraged to always be positive, and guard our minds/thought life. I try to stay positive and be optimistic. Sometimes, pessimism may raise its head but when I realise this, I push it to the ground and choose optimism.

So in response to the question, I'll say I have both traits but optimism weighs more. I am optimistic about life! How about you?

This post is inspired by the blogging challenge question - Are you optimist or pessimist?

This is the Part 02 of the 30 days blogging challenge questions made by @macchiata. Feel free to join the blogging challenge community and write on any of the questions in each challenge.