[ENG-ESP] Blogging Challenge - PART 1 by @isgledysduarte Libro favorito de la infancia. Favorite Book of My Childhood



Este día si está difícil. De niña mamá me enseñó a leer con las caricaturas que venían encartados en los periódicos. Incluso existía una revista llamada el Meridianito.

No me leían libros, estos los comencé a leer ya de adolescente.

This day is difficult. As a child, Mom taught me to read with the cartoons that were printed in the newspapers.
There was even a magazine called El Meridianito. They didn't read me books, I started reading them as a teenager.



Pero si recuerdo, que había un libro que leía con frecuencia. E incluso de grande lo busqué y no lo encontré en casa, no sé que sucedió con él.

He tenido la intención de adquirirlo, y hasta hoy lo estoy recordando otra vez.

En tercer grado mis padres me inscribieron en la Unidad Educativa Colegio Monseñor Castro, allí culminé mis estudios.

Al ser un colegio católico, dentro del contenido currícular estaba la materia de Religión.

But if I remember, there was a book that I read frequently. And even when I was growing up I looked for him and couldn't find him at home, I don't know what happened to him.

I have had the intention of acquiring it, and to this day I am remembering it again.

In third grade my parents enrolled me in the Monseñor Castro School Educational Unit, where I finished my studies. Being a Catholic school, within the curriculum content was the subject of Religion.



Por esa razón conocí el libro llamado Episodios Bíblicos. En el se contienen las historias de Adán y Eva, Caín y Abel por ejemplo en un lenguaje para niños.

Me gustaba mucho leerlo, allí aunque mi mamá me hablaba de Dios, y llevaba a la Iglesia, no empecé a darle sentido y entender lo que es la fe, o quién era Dios realmente.

For that reason I got to know the book called Biblical Episodes. It contains the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel for example in a language for children.

I really liked reading it, there although my mother spoke to me about God, and took to the Church, I did not begin to make sense of it and understand what faith is, or who God really was.

Edición 01


All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator.

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