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Day 11 :Five best things about me

It's easier detecting the good part about oneself than figuring out the bad ones. Aside self awareness, the compliments by others draws our attention to personalities that make us unique among others. I have just few best things about me, this are character that I do not struggle to exhibit at anytime.
First best thing about me is; I forgive easily. my speed of forgiveness could be compare to the speed of light. I don't know from whom I inherited it or how I developed that habit, I just grew up to realise I hardly hold grudges whether one ask for forgiveness or not. This act of quick forgiveness made me so simple that I hardly get angry even at things I should naturally get angry at. This part of me had expose me to been look with contempt , I can't change it but I have learnt to distant myself from people who add nothing to my life than depend on what I offer or get from me.
The second best thing about me is; I learn fast. I'm proud to say my Intelligent quotient (IQ) is high. I think fast, understand fast , apply fast and sometimes think broader than what I was told. Sometimes I look at a heading of a writing and I'm already guessing what the content is , which always turn our to be right. All my period of learning, lecturers recommended my ability to think fast and without jolting down I form a note from what I heard.

Me on black shirt

The third best thing about me is; Though lazy, I complete every task before it deadline. I don't know how I manage to do that despite the fact that I love the comfort of my bed at all time. I never leave a task undone, and usually before the deadline. I procrastinate a lot until I know the deadline for any task and when I don't know, instead of working, I try to figure it out first.
The fourth best thing about me is; I find a lazy way to do a difficult task . I also can't explain this , aside doing my task before the deadline, I figure out ways to do a difficult task in a simple and lazy way perfectly. Usually I give a little extra time to think of possible ways to solve the presented problems and I never rest until I get an answer to it. This had helped me a lot in managing task.
Finally, I'm faithful in relationship. I don't know if this is inclusive but I am no cheat in relationship. As much as possible I stay faithful to my spouse. No other enticement works, it gets a retraction.