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Three (3) Healthy Habits// #Day 12


Hello and welcome to my blog, My name is Daniel @daniky. Today is the 12th of November and the day 12 of my entry to the 30 days blogging challenge, an initiative of the #bloggingchallenge community. Kindly follow me as i share with you my three (3) healthy habits.

There is no doubt that "Health is wealth". Our daily habit or routine plays a significant role on our health. It can either improve or ruin our health. To this effect, I'll like to state and elaborate briefly on my three (3) healthy habits. Kindly follow me as i proceed;.

1. Early Morning Hydration


Water is Life. I'm used to drinking water early morning before meal. Though i skip breakfast most time which is not ideal. I'm working on improving on that. I take at least one glass of water and exercise for few minutes in the early morning to keep me hydrated, fit and healthy for the day. This lifestyle frees my alimentary tracts of unwanted food debris and free radicals.

2. Eating more of Fruits and vegetables


I'm a fruit lover. I eat more of fruits than meals. Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins (Like Vitamin A,D,E and K) and fibres that stimulates rapid digestion and assimilation of food substances in the body. It's a free way of maintaining a fairly constant internal environment through homeostasis. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that inhibits the activities of free radicals in our body thus reducing premature aging, fatique and other unwanted health issues. The most set of fruits i love include Apple, strawberries, water melon, Oranges and pinneaple.

3. Regular Exercise


I exercise often but do more of aerobic exercises on Saturdays. This is to promote blood circulation, improves breathing and burn of bad cholesterols from my system. This helps me keep fit and healthy for the day as well.

By now, I hope you've been able to know my "3 Healthy Habits". Please do hesitate go through the link to my previous posts below. Thank you😊

My appreciation goes to the #bloggingchallenge team (@cwow2, @tripode and @starstrings01) for this wonderful initiative. I also wish to invite my wonderful friends which include @popniel, @hero_hive and @daltono to this #bloggingchallenge. Thank you.

My Previous Days
Day 01. "Explain your Blog Name
Day 02. "20 Facts about You"
Day 03. "Your Favorite quote"
Day 04. "Your Dream Job
Day 05. "Your proudest Moment"
Day 06. "What are you Afraid of"?
Day 07. "Your Five Favorite songs"
Day 08. "Five Current Goals"
Day 09. "Best Trip of your Life"
Day 10. "Ten Favorite Foods"
Day 11. "Your Favorite Childhood book"

Kindly follow my blog @daniky for more update. Your support, reblog, and comment will be well appreciated. Thank you

One Love from @daniky