07/30 Days Blogging Challenge Pt 02 Ep 07 :- What My Diet Looks Like.

If there is a food I can't do without eating, it is beans, most especially kidney beans which is very common here. Since childhood I've come to love beans so much and while growing up, it became my favourite, thanks to my laziness. Beans was very easy to cook for me because after picking the beans all I have to do is pick it and cook and add oil to it and it's done. Except I need more sauce to it, I might add some yam slice to it or plantain or add some extra sauce to it.


I can also prepare my beans in other ways by making a beans porridge which is called moin-moin or cooking it just like that. The only challenge I have with beans is polluting the air, oh my, there is no way you'll eat bean and you wouldn't be in for that bad thing, it's worst when you are far. It gets very messy when it's silent. Ok, that's said and done.

My diet doesn't go without beans inside, either it's beans in full, rice and beans or moin-moin. Any of the three can go.

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Rice & Beans Source

When it comes to drink, I'm addicted to coke, for just one reason, to get fat. There is this superstitious believe that coke makes you fat and I believe it too to some extent. That's the main reason I drink coke despite the health warning to drink less coke and more water. I want to be fat, just add more flesh because I felt tiny and slim. Which I don't like.

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