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Thirty Facts About Me - Blogging Challenge Part 1

Because my blog name is my actual name, I’m going to bulk day 1 and day 2 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge into one post.

First, I’ll explain my blog name, then list twenty (20) things about myself.

Explain Your Blog Name

My blog name is my name. It’s really that simple.

I’ve created a personal presence throughout the internet with ‘AnaClark’ and ‘oAnaClark’. Being a professional and hobbiest of many things creative, (writing, art, music, etc) it just seems logical to maintain a universal personal throughout the digital world.

My WordPress blogs have more creative names, ‘inDecentDark and InnovateToInspire because those websites are hyper specific to certain things. inDecentDark is strictly creative writing; poetry, prose and short stories. Innovate is a professional writing styles with topics on business, society, and media.

Here on Hive, this name was meant to represent a larger, general side of me and my many skills and my interest. No one creative blog title would have worked here. @AnaClark is simply perfect as my digital face.

Twenty Facts About Me

  1. I stop in awe at flowers that grow from cement cracks
  2. I actually do dance in the rain. I will literally get up and go outside just to dance and twirl in a warm rain storm
  3. listen to music really loud and randomly sing and dance in my living room at least once a week
  4. I love swimming at night- especially at a beach.
  5. I talk to trees, flowers, plants, animals, photos of people who have passed away, and sometimes other inanimate objects. I do think some of those things hear me. Actually, I think they all hear me somehow, in some way.
  6. I’m a crybaby. I cry at happy things, relieving moments, the possible and impossible, sad movies, heartfelt commercials, big accomplishments of strong people, pains of those who hurt, the idea of my child growing up, or her not growing up, or the versions of her that I’ll never see again. I cry thinking of my best memories and cry hoping to forget memories.
  7. I can see entities that aren’t fleshy
  8. I have, on many occasions, told others detailed future just seconds before it unfolded
  9. I have nearly died more times than the fingers on your hands
  10. I love carnival rides and turn into a different person in that environment (even though I nearly fell off two rides, another caught on fire, and another got jammed up)
  11. I’ve wanted to be a writer since kindergarten- still so.
  12. I’m pansexual and poly friendly (look it up before asking).
  13. I’ve lived on every side of Canada and been in many additional provinces
  14. I like clothing and have an unhealthy amount
  15. I used to be a fitness fanatic
  16. I used to be a raver- once a raver, always
  17. I am fascinated with the universe
  18. Grew up using out-houses, wood stoves, and getting water from a well
  19. I have seen parallel versions of myself and others
  20. I don’t believe in the traditional concept of death
  21. I’m vegan
  22. I listen and love all music; classical, slasher rock, soft or alternative rock, new and old country, pop, hip hop, the ebm spectrum, Jazz, etc
  23. I used to play xylophone, tenor sax, clarinet, keyboard, and bass guitar
  24. I like being a parent (most days lol).
  25. I get restless and wish I could go anywhere in the world at any time I chose to
  26. I’m an activist (or, used to e)
  27. I let spiders, mosquito hawks, and creepy crawling centipedes live in my home- all those bugs eat other bugs that I want even less.
  28. I jump in rain puddles with my Daughter. In fact, I specifically chose which summer sandals to purchase with that in mind.
  29. I’m the most loyal trustworthy person anyone will ever meet- as long as they don’t lose my trust in them. From there, I’m jeckyl and Hyde.
  30. I think social norms are weird and out of whack. I’m more of a hippie girl who thinks we should eat, love, dance and be free.

And there you gave it- my blogging challenge part 1, day 1 and 2.

I noticed that I accidentally wrote 30 things about me rather than 20. I’ve made worse mistakes.

If you would like to do the Blogging challenge, I found it here: @blogging-team/blogging-challenge-community-part-5-by-surrealfia-eng-esp. Scroll down that page to see the different months.

The image above was created by @tripode

Photo of followers shot by Ana Clark