Kasteelpoort ascent, the Diving Board & Woody Ravine Descent, TABLE MOUNTAIN, South Africa


This is a hike I have been thinking about for a couple years and I didn’t have anyone to do it with me. So when I mentioned it to my buddy, Michael, he pushed me to actually set a date and DO IT!

The Twelve Apostels

There are various ravines / kloofs leading up the back of Table Mountain which forms the 12 Apostels - a beautiful mountain feature which stretches across the coast for 8 kilometres.

Kasteelpoort is the first ravine closest to front face of Table Mountain and makes for a wonderful day hike with many route options to get back down, including hiking to the cable car station overlooking the city and catching a ride down.


We started at 6.30am, at the Theresa Avenue carpark in Camps Bay. It was already full when we arrived but we managed to find a parking and met at the boom at the start of the path.


The hardest part of this ascent is that there is no relief for your legs. It’s just a constant climb until the top. So we got started and tried not to rush ourselves. The sun was rising on the other side of the mountain so at least we were guaranteed to be walking in the shade all the way up.



We made it up the lower slopes and took a little break to admire the views of the Atlantic Ocean and Lions head to our right. This was a new perspective for me and one I’m keen to enjoy again. Only 45 minutes in and I was dripping with sweat and red-faced as speedy trail runners passed by easily leaving me in their wake.




Next we rounded a small scramble and looked up to see the top of the Ravine and the notorious “diving board” at the edge of the cliff on our right.
We still had a ways to go and now we’re keen to reach the top before the sun spread its rays down into the shady gully.


With some determination we reached the top and celebrated taking some time to admire the views below and our shadows in the bush.

A quick look at the map and off we headed for the diving board. There was no way I was doing this climb without experiencing standing on the edge of this jutting rock over the edge of nothing but air and a very long drop!




It was a little walk along the cliff side through some low bush and then a scramble between 2 big rocks to access the diving board. I was first up and Michael obliged by taking photos.


Luckily I'm not afraid of heights but I was definitely very careful as I stepped onto the rock and eventually took a seat at the furthest tip.


Michael had a go next.

Then we were off to find our path down. We had planned to go down Woody Ravine which was also a new route. After about 100 meters on an easy path over the top of this first Apostle, we spotted the sign post for Woodys.




We started down a short way before stopping for tea and a snack to refuel for hectic descent ahead of us. After thinking that Kasteelpoort was full on, we soon found out that Woody Ravine is FAR MORE CHALLENGING.



Down we went carefully placing our feet on sandy rocks and trying to avoid slipping. I would not want to do this in winter when it’s wet!



Our pace was slow but we also took time to enjoy the cliffs and flora around us. Often folk keep their heads down and miss the beauty of the experience.



Soon we reached the pipe track contour path that follows the lower edge of the cliffs and the upper edge of the slopes below. Finally we had some level walking and our jelly legs could take a breather from the heavy concentration of the descent.

The pipe track is an awesome more or less level hike for visitors to Cape Town. The views are incredible and most of our mountain hiking is free access. Park your car in the local spots and start walking. Just always bring loads of water 1.5-2litres for a day hike as it gets HOT.



We found one the old stone pump houses that would have moved water from one side of the mountain to the other.

Our paths finally forked with a single track continuing along the pipe track and the jeep track twisted down towards the suburbs of Camps Bay and the Theresa Avenue carpark on it upper edge. We could see the Cable Car Station on the top corner of Table Mountain and the cable car sliding through the gap in the ridge that climbs up Kloof Corner towards the station above.

By now the sun was burning my shoulders and I was ready for a swim and a cup of tea.

We finished just after 10am, happy to have conquered the mountain once again and loved the new route.


Unfortunately my Strava app spazzed out and didn’t record so here’s a map from Maps.me of our route. We finished back at There’s Avenue, I just couldn’t get the map to do a circular route.


Distance: 6.5 kilometre loop

Elevation: 615 meters

If you’re ever in Cape Town and want to do this hike then give me a shout! It’s an advanced route for fit hikers with exposure to heights, so not for the feint hearted.

I can’t wait to share a couple more hikes coming up real soon!


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