Definitely Cebu #12: Mt. Manunggal ft. the Other Side of Mt. Mauyog

This was in a rock monolith in Mt. Manunggal. It may look like I'm enjoying every bit of it, but I in reality, I can't bring myself to stand on top of that rock. I may be a daredevil sometimes, but I was really shaking that time. One wrong move and I would be plunging myself to death in the ravine below. Turned out I was the only in the group who dared and everyone was just anxiously looking at me.

Hello Hiveians!

I was MIA the past week due to some stressful events, but I'm back; I was never really gone in the first place. Not posting for a week seems to be a very long time in blockchain timeline, but even if I was not posting, I was still lurking somewhere so I'm aware of some stuff. Plus, I think I'm addicted to Splinterlands. I was on a buying spree the past week using my Steem that was powered down last Thursday. Anyway, this edition of Definitely Cebu will be about the two peaks that are relatively near the city where I currently reside.

It has been more than a month since I posted under this series, but did you still remember Mt. Mauyog? In Definitely Cebu #11, I talked about Mt. Mauyog which was one of the first mountains that I climbed and also the one that inspired me to become an outdoor person, a self-proclaimed mountain person to be exact. Anyway, if you haven't checked it out yet, you can find that post here:

I went back to Mt. Mauyog about two years ago together with my friends and colleagues from work. When I was there the first time, I didn't know that there's another side of the mountain with equally breathtaking view. I only showed that brain-like rock formation because that's the most prominent feature of Mt. Mauyog. So when I went back, I made sure to spend more time on the other side. But before that other side, here are some photos in that famed rock formation:

No matter how long a stare at the photos above, I am still mesmerized by the rock formation and I can't help but imagine the history it has witnessed in geologic timescale. Now, I dont really know what I'm saying so let's just move on to the other side of the mountain.

The Other Side of Mt. Mauyog

Okay. I just find it funny that every time I mention the other side of Mt. Mauyog, I always imagine Star Wars and the dark side of the Force. Anyway, the fact that this part of the mountain was not featured in my first post about Mt. Mauyog means that there are parts of a place where you will only discover when you visit it again.

The other side of Mt. Mauyog has some rock formations, but they're not as impressive as that brain-like monolith. The selling point of that side was its breathtaking view of Central Cebu Protected Landscape (CCPL). The sky was quite gloomy when we were there, but I somehow find it perfect. The clouds and fog added an impression to me about the place which made it more interesting.

For an adrenaline junkie like me, having a photoshoot while hoping and jumping from one jagged rock to another is so much fun. I get to have that rush while enjoying the view and breathing in that fresh air.

As I have said before, mountains have this intimidating appeal when you're looking at it from below, but once you conquered its peak, it offers a unique view that's not found anywhere else in the world below. That to me is fascinating.

Mt. Manunggal

After Mt. Mauyog, we immediately went to the campsite to spend a night there. We climbed Mt. Manunggal the next day. Camping with friends is another experience that's one for the books especially at night when some are already drunk. By the way, since there's a community at the campsite, drinking is allowed, unlike in other mountains where drinking is strictly prohibited. And no, I didn't drink that time. I was just enjoying their company.

Mt. Manunggal has some historical value. It was the crash site of Mt. Pinatubo, a presidential airplane carrying the late President Ramon Magsaysay and his team when he visited Cebu on March 15, 1957. The photo on the right was the engine that was recovered from the crash site and made into a memorial somewhere near the campsite.

Mt. Manunggal is the highest mountain here in Cebu. Rising at 1097 meters above sea level, it doesn't fare much compared to the other mountains in the Philippines in terms of height, but it doesn't make it less interesting. I had a great time while climbing the mountain. When you're already on the campsite in Barangay Magsaysay, it doesn't require much effort to reach the peak of Mt. Manunggal, but there are still challenges in the trail. Those challenges like steep ascent in rocks and roots before reaching the peak made the climb worth it.

I guess that's all for this post. See you in the next one! I hope I won't be procrastinating this time.

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines) and the rest of the world even if he's still a poor corporate slave with tons of bills to pay and two siblings to support in college.

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