Incredible Viñales viewpoints.

Good afternoon Pinmapple community, today I want to show you three viewpoints located in the town of Viñales in Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
This town has a very beautiful Valley for all the places that can be seen declared Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Photo shot with my iPhone X
By @nicolelorena

The first is on the outskirts of the town, it is a natural viewpoint, with an aboriginal appearance, everything is rustic and handmade.


Photo shot with my iPhone X
Viñales viewpoints

After entering the place you find a small path with sculptures carved in wood, and then you go up to the chasm, which luckily is not complicated, as you go up you better contemplate the views offered by this beautiful place, in the middle of path has some stone tables where you can sit down to drink water in the shade or have a snack in contact with nature.

Photo shot with my iPhone X
Viñales viewpoints

Until you finally reach the viewpoint, where you can see the incredible views that this viewpoint offers us, especially to sit and enjoy the landscape, take some photos and feel in contact with nature.

Photo shot with my iPhone X
Viñales viewpoints

Now the next viewpoint follows. This is a few kilometers before entering the town, it is next to the Hotel Los Jazmines and has the most beautiful view of the entire valley without a doubt all the people, whether foreigners or Cubans, go to take some photos to be able to have a beautiful memory of the place.


Photo shot with my iPhone X
Viñales viewpoints

And the third viewpoint, which is not to be disappointed because it is the last one, it has a beautiful view of the town, this is in the Hotel La Hermita, and both day and night you can appreciate its beautiful view of the town with its mountains behind.


Photo shot with my iPhone X
Viñales viewpoints

These destinations are very attracted by many of the visitors who come to enjoy our country Cuba, especially those who love nature and tranquility, without a doubt very good places to disconnect from day to day.

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